Recent content by kyrani99

  1. kyrani99

    How does the body regulate insulin secretion based on absorbed nutrients?

    Hi Greg, yes I have made some discoveries recently. The liver has Glut2 transporters which do not need insulin. But I still got a query. The liver will make some of the glucose into glycogen and store it, which is expected. And some is turned into triglycerides. The rest will be put into the...
  2. kyrani99

    How does the body regulate insulin secretion based on absorbed nutrients?

    If all of the absorbed glucose travels from the small intestine via the hepatic portal vein to the liver how does the body know how much insulin to secrete for the liver to convert the glucose to glycogen? Does some absorbed nutrient go via the pancreas?
  3. kyrani99

    What Is the Definition of 'Energy'?

    re vacuum energy Am I correct in saying that the casimir effect, the Lamb shift and spontaneous emission etc., are the effects that we see by which we assume the existence of the vacuum energy?
  4. kyrani99

    What Is the Definition of 'Energy'?

    Thanks llstanfield, I shall message bhobba after I’ve brushed up on some background stuff. And thanks Drakkith I’m looking into the reference you gave me.
  5. kyrani99

    What Is the Definition of 'Energy'?

    But in a vacuum there are no atomic interactions, that is what puzzles me if I am to accept a "physical nothingness". Do you know someone else I can ask who is more knowledgeable about quantum energy or can you recommend where I can post this again with your definition? Thanks for your help.
  6. kyrani99

    What Is the Definition of 'Energy'?

    Thanks and can we discuss this further.. Thanks for the thermodynamic definition. It is thirty years ago or more that I studied this at uni. I will brush up on it. I wonder though if we could discuss this further. I am interested in this because I know that physicists see nothingness as a sort...
  7. kyrani99

    What Is the Definition of 'Energy'?

    Can someone tell me if there is a definition for energy. I don't mean a type of energy such as kinetic or potential etc. We talk about empty space having energy but what is it? Thanks