Recent content by l470594464

  1. L

    MIxed and reflected color frequencies.

    if we paint rainbow's color on a circle top and rotate it,wecan see color white. that means our eyes have a time limit to distinguish different colors.
  2. L

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    Well, the first page's jokes are really hard to understand,though I'm Chinese...
  3. L

    Given divergence and curl determine vector field

    Use the formula:\Delta\vec{A}=\nabla(\nabla\bullet\vec{A})-\nabla\times(\nabla\times\vec{A}). You'll get three Laplace equation about P,Q,R.Assume \vec{A}=(P,Q,R).\Deltameans twice \nabla.
  4. L

    What is mass? and is negative matter really possible

    Now none of the theories include negative mass so if negative mass exists, there must be new theories.who cares.Let's wait for it.
  5. L

    What is the Limit of a Sequence?

    NO comment...
  6. L

    Can speed of light be changed ?

    Maybe you'd better learn the Maxwell's equation first to see how light's speed comes from and why it travels slower in some media.Wikipedia is not science book. lol
  7. L

    What Causes Gravity? - Newton's Law of Gravitation Explained

    It's hard to answer.Actually physics is to solve how it could be not why it is.You can keep asking what causes something to cause maybe you can put forward a theory to explain it by yourself.