Recent content by linda300

  1. L

    Mathematical Methods or Complex Analysis?

    This is the right description for mathematical methods right? Vectors and fields in space, linear transformations, matrices, and operators; Fourier series and integrals. This is what I found after doing a search for linear algebra 115B, not sure if it's the right one but: Linear...
  2. L

    Mathematical Methods or Complex Analysis?

    As a physical chemist major you really don't need to take complex analysis at all, the other two classes are much more useful to you.
  3. L

    Schools How to get over how depressing a Community college is?

    Some of the people I know drown themselves in computer games, but a handful still aren't doing the best. I guess you could try that. Aren't you living in a dorm or something? Aren't there lots of people around talk to and go out with?
  4. L

    Particle/Nuclear physics ~essay topic

    Hey vanhees71, Thanks, that's a good idea, I've been trying to find some papers which give a theoretical model and explanation of a (at the time) non-existent particle and compare it with experimental findings which proves its existence (exactly like the higg's boson) but at the moment I...
  5. L

    Particle/Nuclear physics ~essay topic

    Hey, The short answer is not so much, mfb gave a great suggestion, however I forgot to mention I was looking for a more recently published paper. That thread was unrelated to this one, I ended up finding a nice experimental quantum paper published in nature for that casual talk - this...
  6. L

    So I want to be a Marine Biologist

    Oh okay, I just gave programming as an example of something outside of the more pure sciences. I'm not really sure where environmental science can take you, I know a bunch of people who are doing it / have finished now but are still looking around for work. One person in particular just...
  7. L

    Particle/Nuclear physics ~essay topic

    Hey mfb, I can pick experimental or theoretical, or both and compare I guess, I have the choice to stick with particle physics or nuclear but I haven't found anything good to do in either case. It's for a graduate level Intro to particle/nuclear physics, I haven't found any papers which are...
  8. L

    So I want to be a Marine Biologist

    Hi, Are you asking in terms of what will get you a better job / a job? I have a handful of friends who have just finished a degree in marine biology, one continued to do masters in biochemistry, one is now a florist and the others are working part time as waiters / bartenders because they had...
  9. L

    A Theoretical Minimum | Looking for Guidance

    It is very important that you understand them visually, the best way to do it is on pen and paper at this stage, to double check you can use Mathematica, or Wolframalpha to plot the vectors. As far as trigonometry goes the best way is definitely to draw it all out yourself and just remember the...
  10. L

    Optional Physics modules - decision time

    Not enough people answer these posts... Where's all the quantum classes? Do you like astronomy? PhysicsandSuch is definitely right about the most beneficial career wise, I think the EM / Modern Optics would be the best choice. With these kinds of questions the best thing you can do is go and...
  11. L

    What is doing physics research like?

    Hey In most universities the undergraduate physics labs are a drag, Once you get past this you have the option to pick experimental research or theoretical research. Theoretical research can (and mostly does) involve a ton of programming, you are basically given, or pick yourself a subject...
  12. L

    Functional analysis and real analysis

    I took this class and it was one of the biggest mistakes I made, It was kind of interesting, but I have never used ANYTHING besides the definition of Hilbert spaces and metrics and stuff like that ever again. More importantly, while I was taking the class I complained about it to a bunch of...
  13. L

    Programs Doubts about a master degree after Computer Engineering

    While "Space Communications and Sensing" sounds cool, I would say the safest choice career wise is either Photonics or MicroElectronics. That being said I have no idea what the program is that they're providing you, but I would imagine the photonics stream would be somewhat similar to the Space...
  14. L

    My opportunities as physics postgraduate

    Hi, Are you a citizen at the moment? I know a lot of places require you to be an Australian citizen. Did you obtain your degree at a university in Australia? Besides looking online for jobs the best thing you can do is attend your universities careers days / nights. If you obtained your...
  15. L

    How do employers/academics view an MSci v MSc? (UK)

    To save everyone from googling to try and find a more concrete difference between these two degrees it'd be cool if you included some more information. Is the "Physics MSci" a 2 year masters program of pure research, are the 120 credits made up of mostly research based units or are they more...