Recent content by Logerah

  1. L

    Why are electromagnetic forces body/volume forces?

    Ok, thank you.. So I think the definitions I read are a bit misleading. Protons should fall with 9,81m/s² and electrons, too. So they actually get affected the same... Or am I mistaken? Are the protons of a body on Earth pulled down more? That doesn't really make sense to me...
  2. L

    Why are electromagnetic forces body/volume forces?

    Hi, I don't really get what the point of volume forces is, if electromagnetism is a volume force. Its obviously no surface force, but in my opinion the definition says that its no volume force as well. The link below describes volume forces as "a force acting on all particles (volume elements)...
  3. L

    B Clear definition of microgravity?

    Hi, I read about definition of microgravity. It is usually described as reduced g, but not zero g. How can one say then that an object is in microgravity? I was looking hours for a clear definition, like an object is in microgravity if there are just 10^-6g left (clearly wrong, because I read...