Recent content by MasterTinker

  1. M

    What Factors Influence Acceleration in Non-Uniform Circular Motion?

    By the way I apologize for not placing this in the homework forum. If it's crowding then please redirect it there : )
  2. M

    What Factors Influence Acceleration in Non-Uniform Circular Motion?

    I know this problem looks easy but my physics mind is out of shape. Problem Imagine that you have a car traveling along a circular, horizontal track or radius r, with tangential acceleration a_{lin}. If the car begins moving around the track with velocity 0 m/s: 1. What is the...
  3. M

    Rocket and Gravitational Potential Energy

    Oh, I was actually referring to your saying "v1 is the velocity of the rocket (at rest?)" when its actually the velocity they gave you, and v2 is the velocity of the rocket at rest. But if the problem was in the initial and final heights, then I think you've done okay. Hope you got the right answer!
  4. M

    What is the Carrying Capacity of a Stocked Lake?

    I guess that's the bets way to put it, although you can sometimes go off of classwork to really solve the problem you needto understand what's going on... have you solved it yet or can you show me a presentation of the original problem?
  5. M

    What is the Limit of an Integral Using the Definition of Riemann Sum?

    I can possibly help you by generating a convenient little case for you: Consider f(x) = c where c is a constant. Take the integral and look at your limit, you should have: \mathop{\lim}\limits_ {n \to \infty}n^\alpha\int_{0}^{1/n^\beta}cdx = \mathop{\lim}\limits_ {n \to...
  6. M

    Is the derivative of infinity zero?

    Okay, sorry for being blunt, I think it's good that you were interested.
  7. M

    What is the Carrying Capacity of a Stocked Lake?

    hmmmm, okay, unfortunately the way I would do this is with differential equations... I can't really tell whether you're in high school or not, would using them be okay? If not I would just personally go to a homework helper, I would only see an equation and throw it at you unless its something...
  8. M

    What is the Carrying Capacity of a Stocked Lake?

    Can I ask which equations you used? And what do they want you to find? Once you tell me that I can give a good rundown of methods on finding the constant...
  9. M

    Is the derivative of infinity zero?

    Infinity is undefined To be honest the 'derivative' of infinity is very likely to be undefined and it should be of no concern as it has no practical nor theoretical purpose. If you just want a "what if it happened to be practical" answer, anything differentiable must be continuous. If you think...
  10. M

    Explain why this function is discontinuous

    I think the book's wrong seeing as it wants you to show why the function is not continuous, when its answer would actually show that it is continuous at x=1... I think rock freak is right on this one.
  11. M

    Rocket and Gravitational Potential Energy

    I think that the problem lies within your interpretation of the speeds. Remember that the left side of your conservation of energy equation is meant to be the initial values of both kinetic and gravitational potiential energy while the right side is supposed to be your final values. I think...
  12. M

    Conservation of Momentum problem-don't understand the solution

    More Information? No one has posted yet to help you but I think that you should include the drawing and demonstrate what equation (2) is exactly. The lack of information makes your problem difficult to solve...
  13. M

    Sonic boom plane altitude problem

    Hey peoples this really just helped me with an assignment (same question : P) but I don't know if I have everything straight or not, so if anyone is willing to look through the whole thought process and tell me if something's wrong... Let: -------------------------------------------- v : be...