Recent content by max190us

  1. M

    Gauss Law Problem to determine F/A

    The attempt I have done: E = σ/2εo The force per unit area on sheet I due to sheet II is: F = q’E = σ’AE => F/A = σ’E = σ’(σ/2εo) = 3.3x10^-9(7.9x10^-9)/2*8.85x10^-12 F/A = 1.47x10^-6 N/m² or FI/A = -σσ’/εo= (3.26x10^-6), FII/A = -σσ’/εo + σσ”/εo FIII/A = σ’σ”/εo...
  2. M

    Gauss Law Problem to determine F/A

    Three large but thin charged sheets are parallel to each other as shown in the figure . Sheet I has a total surface charge density of 7.9 nC/m^2, sheet II a charge of -3.3 nC/m^2, and sheet III a charge of 5.4 nC/m^2. Figure: ----------------(I) ----------------(II)----------------(III)...