Recent content by medshredr

  1. M

    How Many Food Packets Did the Friends Bring on Their Camping Trip?

    If the contents of each individual packet cannot be divided and resealed, at some point the remaining packets will not be divisible by 5 and this teaser does not work. Assuming the individual contents can be divided and resealed, any number other than 1 will work.
  2. M

    Martini Chemistry: Debating Alcohol Bruising & Chemical Reactions

    On the same topic, does ice that is colder than 0 degrees celsius interact any differently with ethanol than ice at 0 degrees celsius?
  3. M

    Martini Chemistry: Debating Alcohol Bruising & Chemical Reactions

    Thank you for the insight but can you address any possible chemical reaction between the liquor, ice, and air with the kinetic energy and agitation of the shaking? I don't believe there is one however the topic is still hotly debated.
  4. M

    Martini Chemistry: Debating Alcohol Bruising & Chemical Reactions

    Is there any validity to the long debated topic of bruising alcohol, specifically gin in an ice filled martini shaker? Can gin or any other alcohol react and change it's chemical make up by this shaking? Can air introduced by the shaking react with the alcohol and affect the flavor by...