Recent content by Mertas

  1. M

    Mass of a hydrate before and after the hydrate was evaporated away

    Yes, what chem_tr means that if a is total weight before evaporation, then b is to be the weight after evaporation... This difference gives the amount of water. (Definitely positive) Of course, we suppose the hydrate compound is pure...
  2. M

    Why does oxidization occur in certain substances?

    Briefly, oxidation is as you describe... When a metal loses electron it will be oxidized. Color change is something that is not directly related to the reaction. Color change could occur say, when e.g. reduction happens... In organic reactions, as the H moiety is decreased as the O moiety...
  3. M

    What Are the Standard Rf Values for Plant Pigments in Spinach Chromatography?

    Hi, If I were you, I would follow the way like this: First of all, you should be sure that you do the standart experiment for the Rf values. If the data you found in the net don't correspond with the experiment you do, or you don't do the standart method for this, then it is not a good...
  4. M

    Infrared spectroscopy of a cyclic alkene

    As known IR spectroscopy is a support method to determine the sturucture, without being known what the sample is, IR is not solely enough... In your example, limonene has two separate double bonds. These double bonds are ordinary sp2 hybrids, so the overall cyclic structure doesn't exhibit a...
  5. M

    Test Methods for Li Alloy Powders: Li-Al Alloy Content

    These alloys, as known, are kept in inert(Ar) atmosphere. As contact with the humidity in the air or the air itself, it immidiately form oxide or hydroxides. So this limits me to carry out ordinary determination analysis. Would ICP work in this case? Or another think is that to convert the Li-Al...
  6. M

    Is it safe to drink lab ethanol?

    You should never drink lab grade ethanol. There are two main reasons one of which is technical and the other is so-called administrative... Technical is, you cannot have %100 grade ethanol to use in the lab. The major impurity methanol exhibits a azeotrope with the ethanol that is...
  7. M

    Test Methods for Li Alloy Powders: Li-Al Alloy Content

    I need the test methods for the Li alloy powders. What type of a test is needed to determine the content of the alloy? For instance Li-Al alloy? I couldn't find a suitable test for these powders (as known, these alloy powders are air and humidity sensitive, difficult to handle)
  8. M

    I have trouble understanding the concept of resonance

    Resonance, briefly, is the delocalization of electrons within the empty orbitals. When the delocalization occurs the energy for the system is lowered, therefore the more the resonance structures, the high probability of energy distribution, and so the stability.
  9. M

    What would be the ideal chemistry program?

    A chemistry program to do what? Drawing? Calculations? There are many of them. Here are a few of them: Gaussian and Hyperchem are the softwares to make simulations for the molecules. Hyperchem is relatively easy one and used to generate semi-emprical calculations such as AM1 and PM3. The...
  10. M

    Understanding the free-radical chain reactions

    Hi, Besides the sites given, I strongly recommend Ian Fleming's Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry. It will be helpful in understanding various types of mechanisms and reactions...
  11. M

    Aphrodisiac normally consists of what chemicals?

    Hi, This case is hormon-controlled case as specified in the topic above. Here this website references a hormone Also, a well known non-hormone drug "viagra", whose active material is sidenafil citrate (you can find this even in lots of spam mails :) )