Recent content by mgorbach

  1. M

    Visualization of a particle model easiest way?

    Hello, I have a working monte carlo model of a system of cobalt nanoparticles. I am looking for a way to visualize their locations, as output from the model in the form of files with (x,y) or (x,y,z) coordinates. I also need to shown on the same image the vectors showing their magnetic moments...
  2. M

    Is Java a Suitable Language for Monte Carlo Modelling of Magnetic Nanoparticles?

    Hello guys, I am trying to do monte carlo modelling for a system of magnetic nanoparticles that my lab is studying (optinally in external magnetic fields). I played around with this last summer and wrote some simple monte carlo code in csharp (i wanted to learn it). Now ... its time for this to...