Recent content by Muskovite

  1. Muskovite

    Consider the motion of a point mass m in the potential V(r)

    Homework Statement Consider the motion of a point mass m in the potential V(r)=-k/r , k>0 Show that there is a solution x(t) of the equations of motion which is a circular motion with constant circular frequency ω. Determine the relation between ω and the radius of the circular motion. Show...
  2. Muskovite

    Schools Is the IPSP at University of Leipzig Right for a Future in Theoretical HEP?

    I got a confirmation from Leipzig, I applied on the 8-th of June and received my letter of acceptance yesterday.
  3. Muskovite

    Schools Is the IPSP at University of Leipzig Right for a Future in Theoretical HEP?

    I still haven't and I applied almost 10 days ago. But I'm pretty sure that we will hear some news in the beginning of August.
  4. Muskovite

    Should I go to Leipzig or should I have a language year

    Hello everybody, Like you, I love physics and would love to obtain at least a in Physics, but I am in a sort of a dilemma. Should I go to Leipzig, where they have an English taught bachelor or should I spend a year studying German in order to take a DSH exam and then attend a German...