Recent content by nounou

  1. N

    First-order logic : repesenting graphs

    Thanx honestrosewater, I will try writing the formulas down.
  2. N

    Second-order and Fixed-point Logic: Describing Graphs

    Thanx Kleinwolf, So you think i would use another function Degree(edge(X,Y)) ? But how how will I say mathematically that the sum is even Sigma Degree(edge(X,Y)) = 2*n...?
  3. N

    Second-order and Fixed-point Logic: Describing Graphs

    Does anyone have an idea how can we represent certain properties of a graph using second-order logic, versus fixed-point logic : like saying that a graph has an even number of edges I've been trying to find a way to solve this for the past two days ! Any help? Anyone ?
  4. N

    First-order logic : repesenting graphs

    Hurkyl, to extend Ex(Dx) & AxAy((Dx & Dy) -> x = y) : Ex(Dx & Ay(Dy -> x = y). to make it represent two edges There exists at least one edges and there exists at most two edges: There exists exactly two edges: There exists two unique edges: Ex(Dx) & AxAyAz((Dx & Dy & Dz) -> x = y &...
  5. N

    First-order logic : repesenting graphs

    Thanx honestrosewater. Hurkyl, any hints?
  6. N

    First-order logic : repesenting graphs

    Thanx Hurkyl, honestrosewater Can u help me with this: E_x ForAll_y edge(x,y) x\= y Is this wrong?
  7. N

    First-order logic : repesenting graphs

    Is this it ? Ex Ey Ez Ew edge(x,y), edge(z,w) ?
  8. N

    First-order logic : repesenting graphs

    four. I guess, but would that mean that to represent n edges I must have 2^n variables?
  9. N

    First-order logic : repesenting graphs

    Oh . I c. But how can I actually count the edges??
  10. N

    First-order logic : repesenting graphs

    So is this a correct statement in first-order logic Ex Ey edge(x,y) , x=y
  11. N

    First-order logic : repesenting graphs

    they contain the same edge, since my graph has only one edge Ex Ey edge(x,y) , x=y ?
  12. N

    First-order logic : repesenting graphs

    I have no clue. :cry: Do u have any hints on how to express that it has 2 distinct edges ?
  13. N

    First-order logic : repesenting graphs

    Yes I do. Maybe i can use ForAll_x ForAll_y : ~edge(x, y) ?