Recent content by pariswhitney

  1. P

    What is the final temp. of each liquid?

    Are are you sure you are using the correct value of the specific heat capacities of each liquid. And if so, are you making sure you are converting your 15kJ to the properly corresponding energy unit?
  2. P

    Help with products of reactions

    I found this in a book called Vogel's Textbook of Macro and Semimicro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis. Oops. I have 5's in front of the NaIO4 and the NaIO3
  3. P

    Help with products of reactions

    Thank you; for the first one, I also found that ClO- disproportionates in solution giving ClO3- and Cl- I have also worked out what I think is the periodate/manganese sulfate reaction: 2MnSO4 + NaIO4 + 3 H20 --> 2 HMnO4 + NaIO3 + 2 H2SO4; does this look alright?
  4. P

    Help with products of reactions

    Hello; thank you in advance for anyone who would like to help: I am looking for the products of these reactions: ZnSO4 + NaClO --> I thought it was just a double displacement, which would make my reaction equation: Zn(ClO)2 + Na2SO4 but a test with silver nitrate was positive for Cl-...