Recent content by Peaks Freak

  1. P

    Sphere, torus, degree, cohomology

    I like your second approach. Since the 2-sphere is simply-connected, every map f:S^2 -> T^2 lifts to the universal cover (i.e., lifts to a continuous map F:S^2 -> R^2.) This lift is unique up to the choice of a point in the fiber above f(1,0,0), where I'm assuming (1,0,0) to be the chosen...
  2. P

    Exploring 3D Modeling & Animation for Creative Expression

    Thanks for sharing your updates, Nick. It's totally cool to watch the progress and hear about the learning process. Good luck next term; I hope you keep this thread alive for part 2!
  3. P

    Mathematica Coloring surfaces in Mathematica

    Hi, all, I have a question about coloring a 3D parametric surface in Mathematica. Setup: Take as given a surface M in R^3 and a parameterization of that surface p:[a,b] x [c,d] -> R^3. Let f:M -> R be a function defined on M. Question: How can I plot this surface so that points p...
  4. P

    Rotations of Earth and other Rigid Bodies

    OK, I think I've formulated a better question, one closer to my actual confusion. In geometric terms, we define a rotation to be an orientation-preserving isometry that fixes some point p. Thus, a rotation is a map with properties. In everyday terms, however, a rotation is a...
  5. P

    Rotations of Earth and other Rigid Bodies

    Thanks for the reply. Since I'm mostly interested in the geometry and mathematics involved, I'm assuming that Earth is spherical. My main concern is the use of one-parameter group actions to model time-dependent rotations. As a mathematician, whose specialties are far afield from physics...
  6. P

    Rotations of Earth and other Rigid Bodies

    Does anyone know of a good mathematical reference covering the use of one-parameter group actions to model rotations of planets and/or other rigid bodies? Thanks in advance!