Recent content by Perceptor

  1. P

    Beginners Physics Books: Suggestions for College Students

    Okay so I haven't done physics in high school, but am considering doing it in college. has anyone got any suggestions for good books for an introduction to physics?
  2. P

    Schooling systems throughout the world.

    Well, this is what the Irish system is like... It's not very complicated, but not amazingly good So from ages 4-12, you're in elementary school.. Then from ages 13-17/18 (there's a recreational year that you can opt not to do) is high school. You have two major state exams, one when you're 15...
  3. P

    Schools Choosing the right university course

    ^Just a question on the phD in chemistry... with that, what career aspects are open to you, besides pharmacy?
  4. P

    Schools Doing physics w/ astronomy in university

    Alright so I was thinking a lot about doing physics w/ astronomy in university. Now the problem is I don't do physics (I did introductory stuff in science class from age 13-15, but it wasn't offered as a single subject after that). So would I be crazy to do it in university? I could get the...