Recent content by rahulpark

  1. R

    What's the purpose of havin large tyres in cars

    I've seen that in movies,cars with large tires . What's the purpose of this. Is it used for increasing the speed or the Torque ? With bigger tyres,I found analytically that both parameter would be increased. But would that not violate conservation of energy. Please point my mistake and furnish...
  2. R

    Light doesn't travel through time?

    note that the time travel or spatial travel is found only by other inertial coordinate system. We find it to be moving at c. Then, how can you say that light obeys SR's second law. SR doesn't define coordinate system moving at velocity c. These corrections were made so that...
  3. R

    Newton's Second Law force equations help

    Take into account that, this displacement function x=e^-1/t^2 was caused by an interaction changing with time (variable force). The question is in the reverse order. If there weren't any force this function doesn't explain the object in motion.
  4. R

    Light doesn't travel through time?

    Light is special, unlike other matters.If it doesn't travel in time how do you find it moving. Light is only object which has constant velocity in all frames.Special Relativity doesn't apply to light. Can a single photon see another photon moving at velocity of c? Light is the basis of Special...
  5. R

    Newton's Second Law force equations help

    Newton's laws were written after some experiments. force is actually a word for 'interaction'. Newton observed that a body could move with uniform velocity without any support or interaction form another object in a particular direction. So any interaction would cause a change in velocity ...
  6. R

    Friction force in rotational motion

    what does fs in ur statement mean? frictional force or applied force
  7. R

    Why involute gears have straight path of contact?

    i'm asking the mathematical and physical proof for this, not the statement
  8. R

    Friction force in rotational motion

    For the first question, friction as in all conditions has a limit.(well u know it). If it weren't that way the world wouldn't function into dynamics(only rotation). down a plane, friction has limit μ*mg*cosθ.if it weren't the way it were, there wouldn't be any slipping. For the...
  9. R

    Why involute gears have straight path of contact?

    Yes, it's involute gear profile
  10. R

    Why involute gears have straight path of contact?

    my lecturer keeps saying that path of contact of an involute gear is straight line but without the reason. i can't digest it as i can't find the reason for this behaviour. I'm trying my best to find the reason. Internet too can't find an answer. Books don't give a timeline of how it happens. Can...