Recent content by Reddhawk

  1. Reddhawk

    Solving Isosceles Triangle ABC: Finding Angle CDE

    I'd say its 70 degrees
  2. Reddhawk

    What Are Your Long-Term Goals and Aspirations?

    Well I have a few definite goals that I am hoping and trying to achieve. Well, here are my goals. Hopefully you will all be more understanding, as most people look at me like I'm crazy when I talk about my goals: 1) Get a PhD in Genetics 2) Get a PhD in Computer Science (currently...
  3. Reddhawk

    Einstein's Intelligence Quiz ?

    I did it in about 30 minutes, but rather than use pen and paper, I put modern technology to use and typed the information into Notepad. Anyway, it doesn't make any difference now but here's what I got: 1 yellow Norwegian water Dunhill cats 2 blue Dane tea blend horses 3...
  4. Reddhawk

    Galileo Galilei: Greatest Scientist of All Time

    Galileo got my vote, although in reality I am torn between Einstein, Newton, and Galileo. As Shadow pointed out Archemides deserves some mention. After all, if not for his mathematical discoveries the theoretical approach to physics would probably be farther behind its current state...
  5. Reddhawk

    Should Corporations Be Allowed to Patent Human Genes?

    This is a very interesting question, but I do not feel that anything naturally occurring should be patented. With the importance of genetics, I'd hate to see any company with complete control over a specific gene. I am definitely not happy with the capitalistic side of matters related to human...
  6. Reddhawk

    Is Human Evolution Still Influenced by Natural Selection?

    I definitely believe humans are still evolving. The question is: How are we evolving? This may be slightly off topic, but I believe that as with other natural occurrences, humans are beginning to replicate the process of evolution. If we momentarily set aside the notion of natural...
  7. Reddhawk

    Has the Prime Number Distribution Conjecture Been Cracked?

    Also, I forgot to ask: how do you know where to place the +/- within in your problem. It seems to me that the location of this has a great deal to do with the solution set you get. Thanks, Reddhawk
  8. Reddhawk

    Has the Prime Number Distribution Conjecture Been Cracked?

    Your conjecture is indeed quite intriguing, however one aspect of it plagues me with doubt as to its usefulness. The need to "play around" with different exponents that are picked at random leaves quite a lot of room for error. I believe there must be some way to relate how far one must take...
  9. Reddhawk

    What is the missing product in this sequence of equations?

    Perhaps each number in the left side of the equation represents an alternate number 7x7=4 this is really: 2 x 2 = 4 so 7 = 2 11x7=6 if 7 = 2 then 6/2 = 3 so 11 = 3 13x11=6 if 11 = 3 then 6/3 = 2 so 13 = 2 Then 27 x 28 = 48 27 --->...
  10. Reddhawk

    Has the Prime Number Distribution Conjecture Been Cracked?

    Correct me if I'm wrong...but are you trying to find an equation that will give all the prime numbers within a given range of a certain number? If this is the case, what you are trying to prove reminds almost of the ε-δ definition of a limit. Could you clarify your...
  11. Reddhawk

    Welcome to Dr. Kaku's Forum: Join the Discussion with Fellow Fans!

    Wow, I knew the administrators at had something big planned...but this is GREAT! A partnership with Physics Forums -- this is a great idea. Now we have an even larger community and that means more great minds! If this surprise turned out this well...I can't wait to see what...