Recent content by RenaltJ

  1. R

    Classical: Quadratic Drag and Gravity

    alright thanks, definitely did not understand this one at all... I appreciate your help. I was able to get the answer I believe.
  2. R

    Classical: Quadratic Drag and Gravity

    I'm not at all confused by the chain rule, I'm confused by how to employ it from the starting conditions. I've successfully solved the equation, which looks like 1/k*ln[(cosh(1/k*arctanh(v/√gk))] evaluated from v0 to v1 I cannot imagine this is what the prof is looking for though (even though...
  3. R

    Classical: Quadratic Drag and Gravity

    How do you derive dv/dx and dx/dt from equations with neither of these terms? ie. dv/dt = g-mv dy/dt grabbing the already solved equation (y would be the falling problem) yields dy/dt = \sqrt{g/k}tanh(\sqrt{g/k}t dv/dy = 0? I see no way to convert unless I'm missing key steps here if you sub...
  4. R

    Classical: Quadratic Drag and Gravity

    Here's what I get: t + C = 1/2*\sqrt{k/g}[ln\frac{v-√g/k}{v+√g/k}] When I work out the rest nothing simplifies. I've also tried it using your first suggestion stuckAgain. Using some info in this book (taylor classical) I got v = \sqrt{g/k} tanh(\sqrt{g}t/\sqrt{k}) but this is the general equation?
  5. R

    Classical: Quadratic Drag and Gravity

    Homework Statement A particle of mass "m" whose motion start with downard velocity V0 in a constant gravitational field. The drag force is quadratic and proportional to kmv2. What is the distance s through which the particle falls in accelerating from v0 to v1. Give your expression for s in...