Recent content by Rippetherocker

  1. Rippetherocker

    Can a new desalination method revolutionize access to clean water?

    Well... My apologies for lacking common sense. I bow to you O Great Desalinator... Just out of curiosity though what are your qualifications and field of "expertise"? Below is a standard desalinator btw
  2. Rippetherocker

    Atmospheric CO2 removal technologies?

    Haha no I don't believe that. Of course its the regeneration of used O². It is largest forest in the world and does contain almost a 3rd of the world's trees.
  3. Rippetherocker

    Atmospheric CO2 removal technologies?

    I'm talking about scrubbing with amines or metal hydroxides. Though they get degraded really fast. I read somewhere that were trying to create new scrubbers with what else- carbon nanotubes.
  4. Rippetherocker

    Upgrading a 12V Alternator to Produce a higher output Volts

    Haha is this a perpetual motion machine we are talking about?
  5. Rippetherocker

    Upgrading a 12V Alternator to Produce a higher output Volts

    The max. power being generated by your alternator is constant. You can play with the voltage at the expense of current. So charging time will be quite high.
  6. Rippetherocker

    Atmospheric CO2 removal technologies?

    Man I remember that quote verbatim from BBC's Planet Earth. i would assume that they do not lie.
  7. Rippetherocker

    Upgrading a 12V Alternator to Produce a higher output Volts

    Step up transformer? Turn ratio about 16.
  8. Rippetherocker

    Can a new desalination method revolutionize access to clean water?

    As you have probably read in the wiki you need several freezing and thawing cycles for it to be drinkable. 1)You will need the machine to work continously not in batches. 2) At such a great vacuum a huge amount of salt will contaminate the vapour i.e. unusable. 3) The remaining sea water in the...
  9. Rippetherocker

    Can a new desalination method revolutionize access to clean water?

    And btw berkeman your a great mod. Also is that you on the bike?
  10. Rippetherocker

    Can a new desalination method revolutionize access to clean water?

    Look man I'll tell you as simply as I can. Forget the heat source. For you to get pure ice you need pure water vapour. You CAN get pure water vapour from sea water but it will be miniscule. So you increase the rate of evaporation by increasing the vacuum, at the cost of purity. I've detailed the...
  11. Rippetherocker

    Is the energy output of an engine constant?

    By Merlin's Beard! What an answer!
  12. Rippetherocker

    Is the energy output of an engine constant?

    ASSUMING that these blocks are free floating in space. Power is the RATE of doing work. Since the first block moves faster it requires more power. Work done = force x distance Now distance is the same but did you give the same force to both blocks?