Recent content by Robin*

  1. R

    Energy Of A Single Photon In Em Radiation?

    I am talking in the context of sun
  2. R

    Energy Of A Single Photon In Em Radiation?

    So there is only one stream of photons and no perpendicular streams ? What I meant by order of emission is, is there some process sequentially producing photons of different frequency according to em spectrum? or are photons of different frequencies being produced at random?
  3. R

    Energy Of A Single Photon In Em Radiation?

    What does that common representation of em wave as perpendicular electric and magnetic field imply? Is there any particular order of emission that is radio waves, microwaves etc in that order or are they emitted randomly?
  4. R

    Energy Of A Single Photon In Em Radiation?

    Yes I have read it.I made the mistake of thinking of frequency as only the number of particles passing through a point for a while.
  5. R

    Energy Of A Single Photon In Em Radiation?

    I am sorry if had hurt your sentiments regarding photon...:wink::smile:
  6. R

    Energy Of A Single Photon In Em Radiation?

    I was having that picture of perpendicular electric and magnetic fields in mind...what do they actually mean? Cant we make a common sensical assumption that they( or the wavefunction that represents it) move in a straight line.
  7. R

    Energy Of A Single Photon In Em Radiation?

    1.Imagining some kind of wavy pattern are there 2 streams of photons moving perpendicular to each other?or is it merely after hitting an electron that it induces E and B? 2.Why would photons move in wavy pattern at all,cant they move in a straight line?
  8. R

    Energy Of A Single Photon In Em Radiation?

    How can a single photon have frequency? Imagining a single photon traveling sinusoidally(?) it does not make sense to think that its energy has got anything to do with the sine wave. How can its energy vary just depending on its path?
  9. R

    Energy Of A Single Photon In Em Radiation?

    Energy Of A "Single" Photon In Em Radiation? Is the energy of all photons in em radiation same? That is, say light differs from radio waves only in the number of photons per second