Recent content by romeff00

  1. R

    PFCD to help house power quality?

    So basically in terms of generation of power the electrical company still produces the same amount of energy even if you have a PFC. I was thinking does the PFC has the same ability than a capacitor bank the type that is use in big industrial places in order to help when you have extra load on...
  2. R

    PFCD to help house power quality?

    My basic problem is that the power is weak and some of the motors in the house won't start.
  3. R

    PFCD to help house power quality?

    i get what you saying, however we not talking about one motor i am talking about the entire house. Taking into account how many small motors you got around the house i thought it would help if electricity wasnt being wasted
  4. R

    Step Down Transformers and Power Distribution - Help

    short circuit makes u have to go for a higher capacity wire. Sometimes the reason why we step up is because the wire we using will not be able to withstand a short circuit
  5. R

    PFCD to help house power quality?

    Not an option. According to my sources the problem is in the power grid that is too old. Power company does not care. And i am not talking about USA.
  6. R

    PFCD to help house power quality?

    I got a question for you. Living in a country with 250 Volts elect, i got into a house that had weak lights from time to times, and the other some times couldn't turn on some appliances because of that, is there a device which would correct that? I was thinking of a PFCD - The PFCD increases...