Recent content by s3nn0c

  1. S

    Kowalski Glikman Jerzy K-G: Someone to Watch

    Kowalski-Glikman is one of the best physicists in Poland. He's very well-known here, wrote many popular articles in Polish magazines and newspapers, too.
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    Forensic Reconstruction of Copernicus' Face ^ Hi-res reconstruction images.
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    What Non-commutative Geometry Is and Can Do

    Here is another paper about quantum mechanics in noncommutative regime (without spacetime). Quantum mechanics without spacetime: a case for noncommutative geometry Quantum mechanics in its presently known formulation requires an external classical time for...
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    Exploring the Analogy between Liquid Crystals & Cosmic Strings A liquid crystal analogue of the cosmic string "We consider the propagation of light in a anisotropic medium with a topological line defect in the realm of geometrical optics. It is shown that the effective geometry perceived by light propagating in such...
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    M-Theory Basics: Review of 11D Supergravity & LQG

    I've just found a review of m-theory which should be very interested for you. "This is a review article of eleven dimensional supergravity in which we present all necessary calculations, namely the Noether procedure, the equations of motion (without...
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    What is the Newly Discovered Dwarf Planet Beyond Pluto?

    More interesting news:
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    What is the Newly Discovered Dwarf Planet Beyond Pluto?

    You can see their orbits here: 2003EL61 is 51 AU from Sun, brightness: 17.7 mag 2003 UB313 is 97 AU from Sun, brightness: 18.9 mag 2005 FY9 is 51 AU...
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    What is the Newly Discovered Dwarf Planet Beyond Pluto?

    Not so easy, guys... Check these links: This is ANOTHER object! We have THREE new big objects: 2003 EL61 2003 UB313 2005 FY9 Links for more info about each object...
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    Questions About Time Before the Big Bang

    I don't agree. General relativity is not a quantum theory, you can't say that "nothing happens with time" at Big Bang just because the theory you use at this moment doesn't work in these specific conditions. Here you have an example, that it's quite possible to talk about emergance of time...
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    What Non-commutative Geometry Is and Can Do

    There are many interesting papers written by Polish scientists, especially by Michael Heller (a priest, btw). Personally I'm waiting for their next paper, where they will discuss physical interpretations of their NCG unification theory.
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    Unifying GR & QM with Noncommutative Geometry

    I've just found that article about noncommutative model unifying GR & QM. A few quotes: Noncommutative geometry plays an increasingly important role in the present search for quantum gravity. It has also recently been recognized that it is a useful...
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    Questions About Speed of Light & Time

    The question was very good and I can't agree with your answer, Chroot. There are real, physical objects which are moving at speed of light: photons. So, the question "what would happen to someone traveling where the is no time?" is definitely not trivial, if "someone" means a photon. IMO the...
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    Is Hawking Right About Black Holes Not Being Black?

    No. Time of evaporation depends on BH mass.
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    Awesome proof for String Theory More precise informations about CSL-1.
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    What Existed Before the Big Bang?

    Personally I like the model of "creation" which has been proposed by Michal Heller. It's based on noncommutative geometry. Unfortunately I don't know the mathematics behind NCG, but Heller writes many popular articles and books (in Polish, unfortunately... for you :-) ). In one of his latest...