Recent content by sagar615

  1. S

    Finding the Transfer Function of an RLC Circuit with Parallel Capacitance

    Vi is connected through the RLC circuit parallel with C_p. Attached is the other equivalent of the circuit. I hope that gives a better idea of the circuit i am trying to analyze. The schematic diagram seems correct according to this attachment. I do not know whether it gives a better result. I...
  2. S

    Finding the Transfer Function of an RLC Circuit with Parallel Capacitance

    Thank you for such quick response. I am sorry. What i derived has degree of numerator greater than degree of denominator. the transfer function that i got is, please refer to the attachment and let me know if I'm doing something wrong. thanks
  3. S

    Finding the Transfer Function of an RLC Circuit with Parallel Capacitance

    When i tried to find V_o(s)/V_i(s), i got a transfer function in s domain as, degree of denominator was greater than that of numerator. please help me find the transfer function of the attached circuit. i eventually need to find the impulse response.