Recent content by sebasvargasl

  1. S

    Can the Convergence of a Sequence be Proven by Using Epsilon and Inequalities?

    I'm well aware of the counter examples when the inequality doesn't hold. I just can't find a way to prove the theorem; and to do this I need to fully understand the importance of the inequality. I can't see it intuitively
  2. S

    Can the Convergence of a Sequence be Proven by Using Epsilon and Inequalities?

    Hello Physics Forums community! I've been struggling for a while with this one ; so basically a sequence a_n is given to us such that the sequence b_n defined by b_n = pa_n + qa_(n+1) is convergent where abs(p)<q. I need to prove a_n is convergent also. Any hint would be of so much help, thank...
  3. S

    What Are Some Recommended Books for Learning Combinatorics?

    Hello community. I'd like to know about good books dealing with combinatorics that you might recommend. I'm a math major who has neglected this area for some time now and essentially I feel like I don't know how to count. Advice is welcome!