Recent content by sganesh88

  1. S

    Is Consciousness Simple or Complex?

    Assuming consciousness arises out of physical processes in the brain, I don't understand its significance from the darwinian view. Ok eyes, skin, ears and all those sensory organs give the data about the external environment to the brain and the different modules in brain respond to it. For...
  2. S

    Daniel Dennet lecture on Free Will

    Maybe that's the way to sound both Scientific and Humane. They can't admit that there might be something else at work. We've satellites, man on the moon, particle accelerators, loyal puppies in the name of Newton's laws. How could they, after all this, admit something strange.? But they can't...
  3. S

    Are Body Cells Lively? Investigating Cell Behavior

    given the fact that we're nothing but a collection of these cells, it's odd to think that a joke or a funny act arises out of these seriously working cells.
  4. S

    Are Body Cells Lively? Investigating Cell Behavior

    Do our body cells have their moments or are they in the official mood all the time? building proteins, sending signals etc etc. I am not able to clearly say what their moments could be. Maybe spitting some cellular fluid on other cells for no defined purpose but simply to irritate and have fun...
  5. S

    Consciousness and Reincarnation: A Scientific Perspective

    Damn.! Humans have been here for more than a million years and still we don't have definitive answers for these questions. I hate my ancestors! :-/
  6. S

    Is Consciousness Beyond Physical Explanation?

    A Consciousness dipped with vengeance towards a race can result in an earth-shattering dictator-Hitler. A Soul completely in awe towards Truth and non-violence can transform a nation and make the whole world weep when it departs the body-Gandhi A Self wondering at the orderliness of...
  7. S

    Is Consciousness Beyond Physical Explanation?

    Romanticists like me hope that the mysteries of quantum mechanics are very much linked to the mystery of consciousness and hence, Life. If its all in "connectivity inside the brain" as someone said in that video, I will chase God and make him eat the damned apple. Mandamned God!
  8. S

    Is Consciousness Beyond Physical Explanation?

    Precisely the point!
  9. S

    Is Consciousness Beyond Physical Explanation?

    So the non-dualist's take is that everything about them is controlled by laws. Two people conversing excitedly about the bizarreness of quantum mechanics or Life are like two systems exchanging files. When a person sees his father hit by a speeding car, the emotion and the sadness he experiences...
  10. S

    Is Consciousness Beyond Physical Explanation?

    The mistake obvious in this argument and other related posts of yours is that we don't yet have a complete idea about this 'physical' thing itself. Aren't we being impatient here to change tracks and look at ad-hoc non-physical theories?
  11. S

    Is Consciousness Beyond Physical Explanation?

    I didn't say "A dualist thinks He is the one controlling his body and mind". So no. I don't think its a religious definition. Its just a natural thought process expected from a dualist. The non-physical component of the situation is just the person's consciousness. Attributing another unrelated...
  12. S

    Is Consciousness Beyond Physical Explanation?

    A Dualist thinks it is he who is controlling his body and mind. A non-dualist thinks its all chemicals. That brings a huge difference in their outlook, i suppose.
  13. S

    Is Science Futile? | Unlocking Nature's Mysteries

    Accept the fact. Life is purposeless. Distinguishing things into beneficial and worthless wouldn't take you anywhere. Does sex make any 'sense'. Yet its driving the world. Even you, apparently.
  14. S

    Is Science Futile? | Unlocking Nature's Mysteries

    Gadgets turn out to be useful and fun but no, i don't think they are "important". Thousands of generations have lived without them; do you think their life was empty without gadgets and scientific inventions? My point is that, scientific quest is much too beautiful to be constrained to a...
  15. S

    Is Science Futile? | Unlocking Nature's Mysteries

    Is building gadgets, the "use" of science? Its an unimportant by-product.