Recent content by Shacking

  1. Shacking

    Help with a magnetic field problem

    So from what I understand instanteous force has direction towards/centripetal to the wire, what I fail to understand is if this force is constant and if not why.
  2. Shacking

    Help with a magnetic field problem

    I still don't understand.
  3. Shacking

    Help with a magnetic field problem

    I understand how the centripetal field exists around the wire does that mean the force is towards the wire. How would this affect the force being constant(acceleration in centripetal stays same but for this it's going from down to centripetal).
  4. Shacking

    Help with a magnetic field problem

    Ya I am unsure what the direction on the force will be because the field is on a straight wire going around the wire while the electron is going down, and I am unsure of whether force is constant.
  5. Shacking

    Help with a magnetic field problem

    No I have not learned how to use vector Lorentz force. We learned the right hand rules and cross product.
  6. Shacking

    Help with a magnetic field problem

    Could you try to look at it now, I reposted the image
  7. Shacking

    Help with a magnetic field problem

    Does this remain constant and what is direction