Recent content by smarko

  1. S

    Lingusitics Visual language and thinking visually

    I'll explain my my idea some more by explaining 7 of the figures in more detail (see those "Extra information" -parts):
  2. S

    Lingusitics Visual language and thinking visually

    njorl: My "flash images" are ment to be followed by an explanation for them. The figures are not ment to be understood by only looking at them long enough. There are some things, I haven't thought through. Like what kind of syntax would this visual language have, if that is about to be...
  3. S

    Lingusitics Visual language and thinking visually

    I'd like to ask for some opinions about what I've been developing. It's about visual language and thinking visually. Originally I was just trying to satisfy my own curiosity, if I could create many different kind of geometrical figures, which could act as an useful tools for my thoughts, but I...