Recent content by solanojedi

  1. S

    A Heat equation on infinite domain

    Hi NFuller, thank you for your answer! I have to admit that it has nothing to do with it. :) However, when I got to the point of defining the ##C(\omega)## as ##c_1(\omega)## and ##c_2(\omega)## I questioned myself about how these two different constants could be rearranged to get the situation...
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    A Heat equation on infinite domain

    Hi everyone, I'm reading this paper about the solution of the heat equation inside an infinite domain: 1) Please let me know if the following discussion is correct. The...
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    A Why Does the Wave Equation Solution Differ from Expected Traveling Waves?

    Hi Orodruin, I got what you were saying and I realize that I made a mistake in my last reply. I supposed that the solution of the heat equation was already written with a single exponential, while I think it should be written as $$\Psi (x,t)= \int_{0}^{+\infty} [c_{1}(\omega) e^{i\omega x}+...
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    A Why Does the Wave Equation Solution Differ from Expected Traveling Waves?

    Wonderful, now I got what you meant! Your solution is in the general case where I start from a complete Fourier transform and I don't have constraint on the spectrum. In the case discussed inside the paper, we agreed that the solution, before applying the boundary conditions and keeping the...
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    A Why Does the Wave Equation Solution Differ from Expected Traveling Waves?

    I'm sorry but I don't understand, but I admit I'm not very used "thinking" and working with the sine and cosine transforms, my bad. Even in the discussions before I wasn't exactly following you when you introduced the ##\omega## sign change for the coefficients...
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    A Why Does the Wave Equation Solution Differ from Expected Traveling Waves?

    You mean that we will simply have, starting from the Fourier transform form, ##A(\omega) e^{i\omega x} e^{-\omega^2 \kappa t} = [A(\omega) \cos(\omega x) + iA(\omega) \sin(\omega x)]e^{-\omega^2 \kappa t} = [A(\omega) \cos(\omega x) + B(\omega) \sin(\omega x)]e^{-\omega^2 \kappa t}## and those...
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    A Why Does the Wave Equation Solution Differ from Expected Traveling Waves?

    I think that boundary conditions are the key to my problem. From your reply and from what I read, the separation of variable technique starts by separating variables and then analyze AS FIRST EQUATION the one that has homogeneous boundary conditions. The wave equation for ##\Psi (x,t)## where...
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    A Why Does the Wave Equation Solution Differ from Expected Traveling Waves?

    I'm really sorry Orodruin, but I'm stucked with this idea that a singular SL problem solution is written as a Fourier transform, hence using a superposition of single positive exponentials (with the integral going from ##-\infty## to ##+\infty##). That's what I read on many books. And since both...
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    A Why Does the Wave Equation Solution Differ from Expected Traveling Waves?

    I think I expressed myself badly. My doubt is about the difference between the solution that I would write if I'd follow the rule written in Snider (i.e. using the Fourier transform as a solution of every separated equation) - so obtaining $$\Psi(x,t)=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} A(\omega) e^{i...
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    A Why Does the Wave Equation Solution Differ from Expected Traveling Waves?

    This now confuses me. From what I read in Snider, the solution to ##\frac{X''}{X}=\lambda## over an infinite domain is given by the superposition of single exponentials (that is the Fourier transform), as in this picture:
  11. S

    A Why Does the Wave Equation Solution Differ from Expected Traveling Waves?

    Thank you for your answer. But how come (in the 3D case) it is ok to keep just ##\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}e^{i\omega x}## instead of ##\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} (e^{i\omega x}+e^{-i\omega x})## for the spatial variables and not for the time variable? And why in the 1D case I get the two...
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    A Why Does the Wave Equation Solution Differ from Expected Traveling Waves?

    Hi everyone, I'm reading about the solution of the wave equation in free space on Stratton - Electromagnetic Theory and Snider - PDE and I got a little confused. The wave equation in 3D (plus time) is the following $$\frac{\partial^{2} \Psi (x,y,z,t)} {\partial t^{2}}=\nabla ^{2}\Psi...
  13. S

    A Can the convolution operator be diagonalized using the Fourier transform?

    Hi everyone, I have some knowledge of Hilbert spaces and Functional Analysis and I have the following question. I ofter have read that "Fourier transform diagonalize the convolution operator". So, we can say that for LTI systems (that can always be described with a convolution and "live" in...
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    A [itex]L^2(-\infty, +\infty)[/itex] and LTI systems

    Ok, so from what I understand I can get different solutions of an ODE/PDE depending on the hypothesis of the space I'm working with. If I suppose to work with functions in L^2(-\infty, +\infty), then the Fourier transform is valid and I can exploit the fact that the unknown function x(t) in a...
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    A [itex]L^2(-\infty, +\infty)[/itex] and LTI systems

    Hi Jason, thank you very much for your answer. I believe I found an answer to my doubt in this thread: and I'll try to summary the answer. LTI systems are a special case of linear...