Recent content by spuding102

  1. S

    Calculate Speed of Car in Car Accident

    Well let's see. You can use the equation vf^2=vi^2 +2ad you have vf, you say that you have distance, you don't have acceleration but if you knew with how much force the car hit you with you can figure out accelartion from F=MA and then you can find Vi. Therefor if you can figure out the force of...
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    How do you firgure out distance from a shot fired from a sniper

    Given that you have the mass of the bullet and you can figure out the ΔHcombustion by bond breaking energies. I understand you can do W=F x D but and you can get work in jules but you cannot completely get force because F=MA and you only have M and not A. How do you do it?
  3. S

    What is the physical makeup of an electron?

    So then why does light not have mass if it moves so fast?
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    What is the physical makeup of an electron?

    yes but energy does not always manifest itself into mass? or does it? For instance when throw a ball does the energy attribute completely to the movement of the ball or does some of it make the ball heavier?
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    What is the physical makeup of an electron?

    When you are winding a watch are you not converting kinetic energy into mechanical energy? not mass?
  6. S

    What is the physical makeup of an electron?

    Yes wouldn't virtual photons be themselves electromagnetic waves without movement?
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    What is the physical makeup of an electron?

    I say in range to mean where the force would be felt and not negligible. When an electron is attracted to a proton it releases a photon to "carry" the attraction. is this correct?
  8. S

    What is the physical makeup of an electron?

    Ah that makes sense. I have another question for you. If an electron were completely still and a proton was in range also completely still, would there be an attraction and if so why?
  9. S

    What is the physical makeup of an electron?

    Hey quick question? can't we just say that the electron is simply a particle of energy? What I meen is maybe the electron is like the photon just different. A photon is a carrier of energy because it has no mass therefor it can carry electromagnetic waves (that being energy). Cant we say look an...
  10. S

    How do photons interact in magnetism and how is the force felt

    So then what is the correct model that involves photons in electromagnetism?
  11. S

    How do photons interact in magnetism and how is the force felt

    Besides a mathematical definition what are the virtual photons actually doing?
  12. S

    Question on electromagnetic interactions

    The analogy of repulsion makes sense however can we say that the kinetic energy of the emitted photon causes a repulsion which can either repel or attract? for instance is simple EM we describe as positive "reaching out" and negative "pulling in" could this be describe by the positive emitting...
  13. S

    Question on electromagnetic interactions

    Yes in a brief sense. Edit: I understand fields and such but not on a advanced level but good enough to understand when you are talking about a field
  14. S

    Question on electromagnetic interactions

    Hello, thank you for answering. I want to understand the interaction in terms of the exchange of virtual particles. Also would an electromagnetic wave be a "stream" of virtual photons? are waves a manifestation of energy in the form of virtual particles?
  15. S

    Question on electromagnetic interactions

    Hello, thank you for that answer but it still dosent really answer my question. Would anyone be able to explain how photons can come out of electrons and travel to protons or is it the opposite way, that being photons come out of protons and go to electrons. I understand this is difficult...