Recent content by Squeezebox

  1. S

    Pressure of person on chair Question

    Use the total area of the legs. The weight is distributed over the 4 legs.
  2. S

    Question from simple lens diagram (camera)

    Now you have the opposite problem. There's a negative sign in this one. m= -v/u The image gets flipped upside down. This happens with your eyes too; your brain flips the image back right side up.
  3. S

    Divergence of magnetic flux density

    2 year old topic. I don't think it's relevant anymore.
  4. S

    Question from simple lens diagram (camera)

    That looks right. The negative image distance you got before implies that the film needed to be outside the camera to capture the image.
  5. S

    Calculating Tension, Work, and Power in Elevator Systems

    This is a 2 and a half year old topic.:wink:
  6. S

    Question from simple lens diagram (camera)

    Why did you reason that the image distance was negative?
  7. S

    So, very amateur question regarding element combinations

    You can have different compounds like ionic or organic and they have two different naming schemes.
  8. S

    So, very amateur question regarding element combinations

    Yup. Yes. The term you were probably looking for was "chemical nomenclature" for the Google search. But you also need to know the different types of molecules to know how to name them.
  9. S

    Rotational kinematics check please.

    θ=ω_0 t+1/2 αt^2 then n=theta/2pi θ=0.5*pi*0.2+.5*1.8*pi*.04=pi(0.1+0.036)=0.136*pi θ/2*pi=0.136*pi/2*pi=0.136/2=0.068 rev
  10. S

    Rotational kinematics check please.

    a) correct b) still incorrect c) correct, m/s (rads are kind of like a place holder unit in this case so it goes away, i don't know the actual reason why though) d) correct, m/s2 (for same reason)
  11. S

    Rotational kinematics check please.

    a) You didn't convert the units of ω0. b) Wrong for same reason as a. c) Wrong for same reason as a. d) Can you show the calculation? You know what your doing, just didn't convert.
  12. S

    If dy/dt = ky and k is a nonzero constant, y could be

    Look at the derivative of e^kt and see how that relates to e^kt.
  13. S

    Rotational kinematics check please.

    No, angular acceleration is 0.9 rad/s2. ac=vt2/r at=\alphar
  14. S

    Quadratic Equations and kinetics

    Those are the only variables you need to know. I edited my above post, sorry for reposting what you knew.
  15. S

    Quadratic Equations and kinetics

    \Deltax=vit+\frac{1}{2}at2 There's your kinematic equation. Edit: sorry didn't see your attempt. \Deltax=vit+\frac{1}{2}at2 0=vit+\frac{1}{2}at2-\Deltax \frac{1}{2}at2+vit-\Deltax=0 Quadratic form