Recent content by SteveKlinko

  1. S

    That was Rude. I read the articles: I want an electronic device that could be used in a non lab...

    That was Rude. I read the articles: I want an electronic device that could be used in a non lab setting. The Lamb Shift is difficult to measure even in the lab. The Casimir Effect is bulk net effect. Since the SET is dealing with single electrons maybe it could be influenced by single QVFs and...
  2. S

    A Measuring Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations

    Very good. But is there no other Phenomenon or Experiment that could indicate the existence of QVFs? QVFs are a total fiction?
  3. S

    A Measuring Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations

    I think that if you measure the momentum of a sub atomic particle then you are measuring or collapsing the momentum space wave function to the particular value. That's all I want to do with QVFs. Just want to find some sort of measurement device that can use the QVF Construct to, in effect...
  4. S

    A Measuring Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations

    Since this Theoretical Construct can be used to calculate predictions for multiple disparate phenomena then it would seem to me that the Theoretical Construct begins to become more and more a real Phenomenon and less and less just a Theoretical Construct. But anyway, I suppose then I should...
  5. S

    A Measuring Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations

    Thank You for the article. But does this mean that there is no such thing as Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations? What about the Lamb Shift? Seems like QVFs have been completely implicated in that. Lamb won a Nobel prize for this result.
  6. S

    A Measuring Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations

    I have seen this Van Der Waals versus QVF before. I think there is a legitimate argument that the Casimir effect could be the result of both of these phenomena. But I don't think anything here proves that QVFs do not even exist. There is too much activity involving the measurement of QVFs to...
  7. S

    A Measuring Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations

    I thought it was pretty well settled that the Casimir Effect for example was the result of Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations. If true then this Casimir Effect is obviously the result of multitudes of QVFs happening all at once on the plates of the test device. I simply am exploring the possibility...
  8. S

    A Measuring Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations

    I have been reviewing potential methods for measuring Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations that I might be able to implement in a home hobbyist environment. Must be room temperature devices. I have seen that there are only a couple of possibilities: The Tunnel FET and the Single Electron Transistor. I...