Recent content by Talita

  1. T

    Why Do Books Show More Than 3 Vibrational Modes for Water?

    Ok, but there's still a doubt. The movements that are attributed to water are symmetrical and asymmetrical stretchings and scissoring. But the possible rocking movement in water doesn't change angle too? Thanks again!
  2. T

    Why Do Books Show More Than 3 Vibrational Modes for Water?

    We all know that angular molecules have 3N-6 vibrational degrees of freedom. So, why lots of books show that water has more than 3 modes of vibration, like rocking, wagging and twisting? Another example is -CH2 group. You can see what I said here:
  3. T

    Understanding Spectroscopic Term Symbols: Unraveling the Confusion

    Sorry for my late reply, Khashishi. I understand what you said, but my doubt has not been answered yet :/ I see that 1s² and 2s² have the same configuration, but they don't correspond to the same orbital. So, the energies that describe them should be different. If the energies are different...
  4. T

    Understanding Spectroscopic Term Symbols: Unraveling the Confusion

    Terrm symbols are really letting me confused. A spectroscopic term or term symbol is used to identify different arrangments of a given electronic configuration. For example, to carbon in ground state (1s² 2s² 2p²) there are a lot of different possible values for ml and ms, and term symbols can...
  5. T

    Can Vibrational Spectroscopy Reveal Combinations of Normal Modes in Molecules?

    In vibrational spectroscopy we read peaks related to normal modes of a molecule. But I just can't understand: we can have a combination of those normal modes of vibration, right? So how can I read a spectrum of a molecule if this molecule can absorb a frenquency that might excite a combination...