Recent content by Velikikreten

  1. V

    Speaker Equations: Amplitude & Frequency Explained

    Is it ok to use approximation for long solenoid here, B= μ0nI?
  2. V

    Speaker Equations: Amplitude & Frequency Explained

    Is it ok to use approximation for long solenoid here, B= μ0nI?
  3. V

    Speaker Equations: Amplitude & Frequency Explained

    Thanks, you have all been very very helpful. Here is text I wrote, and I would like you to tell me did I understand everything correctly. If I misunderstood something or made a mistake somewhere, please tell me so that I can correct it... Thanks Speaker Speaker is an...
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    Speaker Equations: Amplitude & Frequency Explained

    Thanks for replies. Could you give me an example how would the shape of the speaker affect the amplitude of the sound? Is it just the volume of the air displaced by the speaker or is there something more? I think I understand first two equations well, but please correct me if I am wrong...
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    Speaker Equations: Amplitude & Frequency Explained

    Could you give me any equations, with explanations? I tought that amplitude of the sound must vary with frequency, but some people told me its not true... therefore the factors that would affect the amplitude of the sound would be: 1. Current through the coil and since its resitance...
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    Speaker Equations: Amplitude & Frequency Explained

    I am looking for equations which would describe sound that a speaker produces. If I understood the principle how a speaker works correctly, there are a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. As alternate current flows trough a wire, the poles of electromagent constantly swich places. When...