Recent content by Westernnate

  1. W

    Accelerated Expansion of Space question

    So what I am getting, simplified again, is that the universe is sort of a sphere of space, and if you travel in one direction you almost double back on the other side. Not a sphere like the Earth is a sphere, but essentially that if you were to go one direction faster than the speed of light you...
  2. W

    Accelerated Expansion of Space question

    More occupied space? So there is no edge of occupied space? It's just expanding in all directions? Wouldn't there have to be a focal point that objects were moving away from? Or else objects would move away from some things, and towards others. I really appreciate the replies. I guess I...
  3. W

    Accelerated Expansion of Space question

    Interesting... So what do people mean when they say that the universe is expanding? I know that the big bang wasn't really a ball of matter that exploded, but more was an event that created "space", but wouldn't that have occurred in one area which then expanded like a shockwave? I...
  4. W

    Accelerated Expansion of Space question

    I am in a heated debate about the laws of physics with someone who's sole answer to all of my statements has been "because god made it that way". Rather than get into that debate, I was wondering if folks could look over my hypothesis about why the universe is accelerating and point out the...