Recent content by world line

  1. W

    What is the Best Book to Learn Topology for General Relativity?

    Hello i studied Sadri Hassani az mathematical physics book. if i want to learn topology (( for general relativity )) what it the best book for introduction ?
  2. W

    Running Around a Tree at the Speed of Light: Can You Touch Yourself?

    As i know, theoretically if u want to to touch some thing in the back u should run at speed more than light.
  3. W

    Ordinary and covaraint derivative

    Hello what is the meaning of covaraint derivative ? where the ordinary derivative of a function whit respect to a variable is zero, it means that function doesn't depend on that variable.but what about covaraint derivative ? for example the metric tensor may depends on coordinate but its...
  4. W

    Contravariant components and spherical component of acceleration

    for example : that it is different with the corresponding spherical component if we use the covaraint unit vector the problem will be solved ! and both solution will have unique result is it correct ?
  5. W

    Contravariant components and spherical component of acceleration

    Hello i know how to derive the components of acceleration in other coordinates like spherical start here : and at last we have : also , i know that acceleration is a contravariant...
  6. W

    Transformation matrix for components of acceleration

    Hello any body can find my mistake ?! TO find the component of a vector in other coordinate we can use the transformation matrix : but why this does nt work for acceleration vector ? i mean why i can't derive the component of...