Recent content by xristy

  1. xristy

    Is Unitarity Limited by Real Clocks in Quantum Gravity?

    motl on weinberg Motl has some rather lengthy comments on the Weinberg paper.
  2. xristy

    Calculus Reference Textbook Request

    Courant and John - Introduction to Calculus and Analysis Take a look at Courant and John - Introduction to Calculus and Analysis. The first volume is single variable calculus with an analytic flavor and a many applications. It can be thought of as between Lang and Spivak.
  3. xristy

    A book on the historical development of physics?

    There is a truly wonderful book of the sort that you're asking about I believe: Károly Simonyi's Cultural History of Physics. He describes the experimental methods and theoretical interpretations that created scientific knowledge, from ancient times to the present day, within the cultural...
  4. xristy

    Where Can I Find High-Quality Geometry Tools for Long-Lasting Use?

    I have bought a set for $18 that had no rust at all. I also have an Alvin set and the workmanship and materials are not in the same league as the K&E sets from yester-year. As for other tools you can find them on eBay as well. Since the dominance of computer drafting the market for quality...
  5. xristy

    Where Can I Find High-Quality Geometry Tools for Long-Lasting Use?

    You can find very nice Keuffel & Esser compass and drafting sets on eBay for no more than you'd spend to buy a new set of Alvin drafting tools and the quality of the K&E items is generally superior to the modern items. There's nothing like the tactile feedback of using a well engineered compass...
  6. xristy

    Quantum Mechanics Book and resources on Hilbert Spaces

    If you like Townsend's Quantum Physics then his Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics is a good follow on.
  7. xristy

    What is the best book for learning Calculus at a higher depth?

    I prefer Courant & John's 2 volumes "Introduction to Calculus and Analysis" to Spivak for a treatment balanced between math and physics. Also Hardy's "A Course in Pure Mathematics" follows right from A2 I believe. Shortly after Spivak was published it was used for my calculus I course and the...
  8. xristy

    Algebra/Trigonometey (Precal) books with rigor?

    Serge Lang and I.M. Gelfand You can consider Serge Lang's Basic Mathematics and the two books by Gelfand Trigonometry and Algebra
  9. xristy

    Is Twistor Network Theory the Future of Loop Quantum Gravity?

    And I note that sometime ago you had mentioned: that passed without comment and now at it seems the organizers have thought it relevant to schedule back-to-back talks: Livine: Spinor and Twistor Networks in Loop Gravity and Skinner: Twistor Strings for N=8...
  10. xristy

    Loops 2013: Talks, Abstracts, Plenary Speakers

    also After which is the must watch of Skinner's talk: Twistor Strings for N=8 Supergravity which has a cameo appearance of the SBT: which Smolin commented on positively at the...
  11. xristy

    Classical Introduction to Electrodynamics by Griffiths

    The print and paper quality are typically not as good for international editions vs U.S./European editions. The international editions are usually sold in developing markets. The content is the same. It is of course not illegal to purchase the international edition in the U.S. If there is a...
  12. xristy

    Hartle too hard Need another suggestion

    Zee - Einstein Gravity in a Nutshell Zee's book, Einstein Gravity in a Nutshell was just published a few days ago and so far looks quite nice - well past page 22 it is still quite pedagogical.
  13. xristy

    Help a Physics grad read up on Chemistry

    couple of Atkins' texts A calculus based honors introduction to chemistry: Chemical Principles and the upper division Molecular Quantum Mechanics are up-to-date and worth looking at. Neither is short but they don't sugar coat and you can skip around.
  14. xristy

    Is Lang's Book on Differential Geometry Suitable for Beginners?

    Two undergraduate texts that offer entrée to differential geometry are: 1) Singer & Thorpe; "Lecture Notes On Elementary Topology And Geometry" covering topology, an introduction to manifolds, some Riemannian geometry and algebraic topology. Pressley; "Elementary Differential Geometry" covers...
  15. xristy

    Algebra text with category theory

    MacLane & Birkhoff's Algebra is the only undergraduate text that uses category theory from the start to unify the presentation of the traditional topics if undergraduate algebra (don't confuse with Birkhoff & MacLane's A Survey of Modern Algebra). It is very readable. There is also Lawvere's...