Comparing AM & FM Radio Transmissions

  • Thread starter deadhouse
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    Fm Radio
In summary: High freq. waves can only be heard up to, like, a couple hundred yards.FM has better sound quality then AM. but AM has more range.FM has better sound quality because the waves are confined to a specific frequency which makes them less prone to interference from other objects or noise. AM is also prone to interference from other objects, but it can still be heard if the noise is high enough.The range of an AM signal is greater than that of an FM signal. This is because AM waves can reflect off of objects and travel a greater distance before being interfered with.
  • #1
Hey guys i was just doing a bit of poking around and i found this site. I was wondering if you lot could help me. You see i have to compare and contrast two types of similar communication. i chose AM/FM radio transmitions

I know some of the bare basics like:
They transmit by minipulating the radio waves (am by amplitude and fm by frequency)

AM can have longer range becuase it can reflect off the ionosphere. And FM transmits in a straight line.

FM has better sound quality then AM. but AM has more range.

I was just curoius as to why FM and AM have different quality is it to do with the frequency range of the way the waves are minipulated? And what are some other advangates or disadvantages to using the different frequencies

PS. this is the first time I've posted so if its in the wrong spot I am sorry.
Physics news on
  • #2
An AM signal is broadcasted with a single specific frequency, called the carrier frequency. The amplitude of this signal is varied (modulated) by a voice signal with a much lower range of frequencies.

An FM signal is broadcasted with a specific amplitude, and a low-frequency voice signal is used to modulate the frequency.

FM signals are more immune to noise, because the information is contained in the frequency of the received signal, rather than its amplitude. Amplitude is strongly affected by, for exampe, passing a building, whereas frequency is not.

All of the other characteristics you mention -- reflectivity, line-of-sight, range, etc. actually have nothing to do with the modulation technique used (AM vs. FM). As it happens, in North America, spectrum in the 1 MHz range is used for commercial AM broadcasts, but spectrum in the 100 MHz range is used for commercial FM broadcasts. All of the propagation differences are due to the difference in frequency, not in the difference in modulation technique.

Lower-frequency (longer-wavelength) waves can diffract around larger obstacles, while high-frequency waves are simply stopped by the same obstacles. This is why AM (~1 MHz, 300 m wavelength) signals can diffract around a building, still producing a usable signal on the other side, while FM (~100 MHz, 3 m wavelength) signals essentially require a line-of-sight path between transmitter and receiver.

- Warren
  • #3
OK yeah that helps heaps.

I was just wondering though what is it that's significant about the lower frequencies that casue them to defract around said buildings and objects?
  • #4
Lower frequencies imply larger wavelength. Waves can diffract around objects approximately their own size. Buildings and other man-made structures have sizes on the order of tens or hundreds of meters, and 1 MHz waves can diffract around them. 100 MHz waves have wavelengths on the order of 3 meters, and cannot diffract around buildings that are many times that size.

- Warren
  • #5
Lower frequencies can reach farther than high frequency waves. My example: Ship's low freq. foghorn.

FAQ: Comparing AM & FM Radio Transmissions

1. How do AM and FM radio transmissions differ?

AM (Amplitude Modulation) and FM (Frequency Modulation) are two different methods of transmitting radio signals. AM radio uses changes in the amplitude (strength) of the signal to convey information, while FM radio uses changes in the frequency (pitch) of the signal.

2. Which type of radio transmission is more common?

AM radio transmissions used to be more common, but with advancements in technology, FM radio is now the more widely used method. FM radio offers better sound quality and is less susceptible to interference, making it a better choice for music and other high-quality audio broadcasts.

3. How do AM and FM radio transmissions affect sound quality?

AM radio has a lower sound quality compared to FM radio, as it is more prone to static and interference. FM radio, on the other hand, offers a higher sound quality and is less affected by interference, making it a better choice for music and other high-quality audio broadcasts.

4. Can AM and FM radio transmissions be received on the same device?

Yes, most radio receivers are equipped to receive both AM and FM radio transmissions. However, some devices may be designed to only receive one type of transmission, so it is important to check the specifications of the device before purchasing.

5. Are there any advantages of using AM radio over FM radio?

While FM radio generally offers better sound quality, there are a few advantages to using AM radio. AM radio signals can travel longer distances and can be received in areas with weaker signals. Additionally, AM radio is more energy efficient, making it a better choice for battery-powered devices.
