Did Katrina Release Killer Dolphins in the US?

  • Thread starter dduardo
  • Start date
In summary, the US government has reportedly lost their trained killer dolphins, which has caused concern over the potential danger of these armed animals being on the loose. However, the article's speculation on the facts is questionable, as it is not confirmed that the dolphins have actually escaped and there is no clear reason for them to be armed at all times. Some believe the article may be poorly researched or a joke, and others reference popular culture references to dolphins.
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  • #2
What a combo! Delicious and deadly.
  • #3
Now what's to stop them from taking over the world! I've been warning this would happen for years. :mad:
  • #4
This was predicted on the Simpson's in Treehouse of Horror XI, but alas we were too foolhardy as a species to listen.
  • #5
I would be very surprised if dolphins that have undergone that much training aren't tagged with radio transmitters to locate them. The article seems to be guessing at all the supposed facts though...the writer doesn't really know if they've been lost, and hasn't given any reason to believe if they did escape that they would be armed. It really wouldn't make a lot of sense to keep them armed at all times, especially if they're still being trained.
  • #6
A grain of salt seems to be indicated in this case...

But then again, as Terry Pratchett said, never trust a species that grins al the time... :rolleyes:
  • #7
They just decided to say so long and thanks for all the fish... that's all.
  • #8
That article is either terribly researched or a joke. Why on Earth would they arm the dolphins if a hurricane were coming? They simply can't carry big enough darts to take down a full grown storm.
  • #9
maybe they wanted to stop the looters with them

FAQ: Did Katrina Release Killer Dolphins in the US?

1. What are "Killer Dolphins Unleashed"?

"Killer Dolphins Unleashed" is a term that refers to the concept of dolphins being trained or genetically altered to become aggressive and potentially dangerous to humans.

2. Is there any truth to the idea of "Killer Dolphins Unleashed"?

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of "Killer Dolphins Unleashed". While dolphins are capable of aggressive behavior, there is no proof that they have been intentionally trained or altered to attack humans.

3. Where did the idea of "Killer Dolphins Unleashed" come from?

The idea of "Killer Dolphins Unleashed" has been popularized in media and entertainment, particularly in movies and TV shows. However, there is no factual basis for this concept.

4. Can dolphins really be trained to become killers?

Dolphins are highly intelligent and can be trained to perform certain behaviors, but there is no evidence to suggest that they can be trained to intentionally harm humans. In fact, dolphins have a natural inclination towards friendly and playful behavior towards humans.

5. Are there any known cases of "Killer Dolphins Unleashed" attacks?

No, there are no documented cases of dolphins being intentionally trained or altered to attack humans. Any reported incidents of dolphin aggression can be attributed to natural instincts or other factors, such as mistreatment or provocation.
