Can You Solve a 2nd Order Non-Homogeneous DE with Varying Coefficients?

  • Thread starter aztect
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    2nd order
In summary, this is a relatively simple equation to solve, because you could solve the corresponding homogenous equation and add the constant Vm/w to that general solution and that would give you the general solution to the equation. V(t) is a function of time.w is a constant m is a subscript of another V but they r constant also.If you don't mind pls show me?
  • #1
Does anyone know how to solve this?
[tex]\frac {d^2V(t)}{dt^2} + \frac{V(t)}{w} = \frac{Vm}{w}[/tex]
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  • #2
What is the difference between V(t) and plain V, is V just a constant, and are w and m also constants? If so then this should be a relatively simple equation to solve, because you could solve the corresponding homogenous equation and add the constant Vm/w to that general solution and that should give you the general solution to the equation.
  • #3
V(t) is a function of time.w is a constant m is a subscript of another V but they r constant also.If you don't mind pls show me?
  • #4
You know that this is a "non-homogenous" de so apparently you know something about des. This is pretty close to being a trivial problem!

If you "try" a solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation,
[tex]\frac{dV(t)}{dt}+ \frac{V(t)}{w}= 0[/itex]
of the form V(t)= ert, then V'= rert and V"= r2ert so r2ert+ (1/w)ert= 0 and you get the "characteristic equation" r2+ 1/w= 0. The solutions to that are either [itex]\pm\sqrt{1/w}[/itex] or [itex]\pm i \sqrt{1/w}[/itex] depending on whether w is positive or negative.

The solutions to the homogenous differential equation are either
[tex]V(t)= Ce^{\frac{t}{\sqrt{w}}}+ De^{-\frac{t}{\sqrt{w}}}[/tex]
[tex]V(t)= Ccos(\frac{t}{\sqrt{w}})+ Dsin((\frac{t}{\sqrt{w}})[/tex]
Again depending on whether w is positive or negative.

For a "particular solution" to the entire equation, look for V(t)= A, a constant. Then V"(t)= 0 so the equation becomes
[tex]\frac{A}{w}= \frac{V_m}{w}[/tex]
so A= V_m.

If w is positive, the general solution to the entire equation is
[tex]V(t)= Ce^{\frac{t}{\sqrt{w}}}+ De^{-\frac{t}{\sqrt{w}}}+ V_m[/tex]

If w is negative, the general solution to the entire equation is
[tex]V(t)= Ccos(\frac{t}{\sqrt{w}})+ Dsin((\frac{t}{\sqrt{w}})+ V_m[/tex]
  • #5
Thanks for your help...But for particular solution why is it that V(t)=A?What determines that V(t)=A?
  • #6
Take a look at the DE; you want some way for a solution V(t) to give you a constant, so that the non-homogeneity holds...
In your example, you want the differential equation just to give you a constant, right? So assuming V(t) = A and equating both sides would give you that constant.
Pretty hard to explain, but let's say you assuming V(t) = at + b; we have:
0 + (at+b)/w = (Vm/w)
at + b = Vm
And, writing it out in a slightly different way:
at + b = Vm + 0t
Equating the co-efficients, you have a = 0, Vm = b.
And that's another way to find the solution.
But what determines V(t) = A is because you have a V(t) term on the left side and you have a constant on the right side--- and since V'(t) = 0 and V''(t) = 0 for any constant A, V(t) = A would give you the constant as you want it on the right side.
Hope that made SOME sense. :P I tried.
  • #7
Thanks for all the help...This is a really good forum

FAQ: Can You Solve a 2nd Order Non-Homogeneous DE with Varying Coefficients?

1. What is a 2nd order non-homogenous differential equation?

A 2nd order non-homogenous differential equation is a mathematical equation that involves the second derivative of an unknown function, as well as other terms that are not proportional to the function or its derivatives. These equations are typically used to model real-world processes in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields.

2. How do you solve a 2nd order non-homogenous differential equation?

To solve a 2nd order non-homogenous differential equation, you first need to find the general solution to the associated homogenous equation. Then, you can use the method of undetermined coefficients or variation of parameters to find a particular solution to the non-homogenous equation. Finally, the general solution is the sum of the homogenous and particular solutions.

3. What is the difference between a 2nd order non-homogenous and homogenous differential equation?

A 2nd order homogenous differential equation only contains terms that are proportional to the unknown function and its derivatives. On the other hand, a 2nd order non-homogenous differential equation also includes additional terms that are not proportional to the function or its derivatives, making it more complex to solve.

4. What are some real-world applications of 2nd order non-homogenous differential equations?

2nd order non-homogenous differential equations are commonly used to model physical systems, such as mechanical vibrations, electrical circuits, and heat transfer. They can also be used in economics and biology to describe population growth and other dynamic processes.

5. What are the boundary conditions for solving a 2nd order non-homogenous differential equation?

The boundary conditions for solving a 2nd order non-homogenous differential equation depend on the specific problem being modeled. These conditions can include initial conditions, which specify the values of the function and its derivatives at a given point, and boundary conditions, which specify the behavior of the function at the boundaries of the domain.
