A projectile's initial velocity without time?

  • #1

Homework Statement

A projectile is launched:
Horizontally, with an average displacement of 49 cm
Vertically, with an average displacement of 28 cm
At a 23 degree angle, with average displacement of 126 cm

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I am sad to say I don't know how to do it. Walk me through?
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  • #2
Hi dritt and welcome to PF.

Please make an effort to work through the problem. Copy the problem exactly as it was given to you in "problem statement". What you show is a bunch of numbers without a statement of what you are asked to find. Figure out the relevant equations and put them in. You must have some idea of what they are. Make an effort to use these equations in an attempt to get the solution. "I don't know how to do it" will not get you very far in this forum. We don't give out solutions; we provide nudges in the right direction.
  • #3
dritt said:

Homework Statement

A projectile is launched:
Horizontally, with an average displacement of 49 cm
Vertically, with an average displacement of 28 cm
At a 23 degree angle, with average displacement of 126 cm

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I am sad to say I don't know how to do it. Walk me through?
The problem does not seem to be comprehensible. what is the meaning of "average" angle with what? One has to make some assumptions but then it means the problem is not worded properly or after reading the problem OP is writing the problem in his personal script.
  • #4
kuruman said:
a statement of what you are asked to find
The title indicates it is the launch velocity.
Let'sthink said:
what is the meaning of "average" angle
In all three it refers to "average displacement" and states a distance, but it baffles me what this means.
Average over time during the motion?
Displacement is a vector, but we are only given a magnitude.
That the horizontal launch produces a nonzero displacement implies it is not from ground level.
For the vertical case, is it vertical displacement, or is there cross-wind?
What the average displacement means for the angled launch is most unclear.