How did the man hang himself in an empty room with only water on the floor?

  • Thread starter powergirl
  • Start date
In summary, the man hung himself by standing on a block of ice and jumping off, using a rope and duct tape. He had previously tried to hang a lantern but it fell and broke, leaving him with no light. Later, he attempted to fix a leak on the roof and ended up falling and getting caught in the rope. Ultimately, the ice melted and he was found hanging.
  • #1
A question...!

A man hanged on the cieling of his house...the room was empty...i.e.there was no things like a table or chair etc to stand on it and hang...
But there was only some water on the floor of the room...
Without the help of any support...How did he hang himself?
Gimme the answer!:wink:
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  • #2
He stood on a block of ice, then presumably jumped off and hanged himself. When he was found, the ice had melted.
  • #3
He was a very very poor man. He had gone for many years with no light and finally got enough money saved up to buy a lantern(his only possession other than a ladder,a rope, and some duct tape) but he wanted to hang it like a light so he made a loop the size of the lantern's height and stuck the lantern in the noose tightly. Unfortunately about a week later the lantern fell and shattered and the man was back to living with no light.

A few weeks later the man is trying to sleep on the bare floor and he hears pit pat pit pat, he's got a damned leak. He doesn't have a bucket of course, but he does have a roll of duct tape and a ladder. So he decides to climb up onto the roof in the middle of the night to try to fix the hole because he can't sleep. It is raining so the roof is quite slippery and it just so happens that the roof is very old and that is why there is a leak. He ends up falling through the roof and his head gets caught in the rope, and the leak eventually turns into a puddle.

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  • #4
Ah, but no holes were found in the cieling/roof!

Wait...what am I doing? :rolleyes: :confused:
  • #5
:rolleyes: I was bored by the obvious solution. lol :smile:
  • #6
Ya,one among you got the correct answer anyway.glad to see that!
  • #7
powergirl said:
Ya,one among you got the correct ans wer anyway.glad to see that!

Congrats, circles! :-p
  • #8
"Cristo" got the right answer...Nice try anyway...
  • #9
Cristo got the right answer;
The Answer is:
"He stood on a block of ice, then presumably jumped off and hanged himself. When he was found, the ice had melted."
Thanks for your funny answer circles...:))
  • #10
cmon now, my answer works too :rolleyes: :biggrin:
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FAQ: How did the man hang himself in an empty room with only water on the floor?

1. How could a man hang himself in an empty room with only water on the floor?

It is not physically possible for a person to hang themselves in an empty room with only water on the floor. Hanging requires a stable structure or object to support the weight of the person and the force of gravity. Without any such support, hanging is not possible.

2. Is it possible for someone to hang themselves using only water?

No, it is not possible for someone to hang themselves using only water. As mentioned before, hanging requires a stable structure or object to support the weight of the person, and water cannot provide this support.

3. Could the water on the floor have been used to hang the man?

No, the water on the floor could not have been used to hang the man. Water is a liquid and does not have the physical properties necessary to create a noose or support the weight of a person.

4. What could have caused the man's death in this scenario?

Without any further information, it is impossible to determine the cause of the man's death in this scenario. However, hanging is not a possible cause given the lack of a stable structure or object in the room.

5. Is it possible for a person to hang themselves without any external support?

No, it is not possible for a person to hang themselves without any external support. Hanging requires a stable structure or object to support the weight of the person, and without it, hanging is not possible.

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