Absolute zero and hot in respect to time dilation

In summary, the rate of time passage is not affected by temperature. While there are some physical processes that may slow down or speed up with temperature changes, there is no consistent pattern and it is not a direct correlation. Therefore, the temperature of the universe reaching absolute zero would not affect time in any significant way.
  • #1
I was thinking, if time passage varies with speed would the speed of atoms random movement (temperature) affect time? For example, if the universe is expanding, as some predict, it will eventually reach a state where everything will reach very near to absolute zero, or maybe absolute zero. If it did reach absolute zero what would happen to time? would it equal infinity? Then, i thought well about 10^-43 seconds after the big bang, when Planck temperature (1.416785(71)×10^32 K), supposedly occured. Would time be not stopped? Or going in negative time?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You might want to go back and try expressing your ideas a little more clearly, and seeing if you can fill in some of the shaky steps in the reasoning. This question doesn't really seem me to be in a form that anyone could really help you with.
  • #3
The rate of the passage of time is not a function of temperature. There are some physical processes who'se rates are temperature dependent, but not all are and there is no consistent pattern among them. Some examples:

1. Many chemical reactions slow down as temperature decreases.
2. Many fluids become more viscous and flow slower as temperature decreases.
3. A properly designed pendulum clock will not run any slower as temperature decreases.
4. A device with a spring mechanism for motion may run faster as temperature decreases (the spring will contract and get tighter, increasing the force).
5. And, of course, the speed of light is not temperature dependent.

FAQ: Absolute zero and hot in respect to time dilation

1. What is absolute zero and why is it important in relation to time dilation?

Absolute zero is the theoretical temperature at which all molecular motion ceases. It is important in relation to time dilation because as an object approaches absolute zero, its time dilation factor approaches infinity, meaning time passes more slowly for that object.

2. How is time affected by extreme heat in relation to time dilation?

In extreme heat, the time dilation factor also increases, meaning time passes more slowly. This is because the high levels of energy and motion in a hot object cause a distortion in space-time, resulting in a slowing of time.

3. What is the formula for calculating time dilation in relation to temperature changes?

The formula for calculating time dilation in relation to temperature changes is t' = t / √(1 - v^2/c^2), where t' is the time measured in the frame of reference of the object, t is the time measured in the observer's frame of reference, v is the velocity of the object, and c is the speed of light.

4. How does time dilation at absolute zero compare to time dilation at the speed of light?

At absolute zero, time dilation is at its maximum, with the time dilation factor approaching infinity. At the speed of light, time dilation is also at its maximum, with the time dilation factor being equal to infinity. However, these two scenarios are not directly comparable as they involve different physical phenomena.

5. Can time dilation be reversed by changing the temperature of an object?

Yes, time dilation can be reversed by changing the temperature of an object. As an object's temperature increases, its time dilation factor also increases, meaning time passes more slowly. This effect is reversible, so as an object cools down and its temperature decreases, its time dilation factor also decreases, and time passes more quickly.
