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Today, I was reading about the basics of atmospheric pressure. We all now it is the pressure exerted by the atmosphere on earth. It is quite high
i.e ##1.01 \cdot 10^5 Pa ##!. This force exerted by atmosphere is enough to easily crush us. But we do not get crushed because nearly same amount
of pressure is exerted out by our blood on body, so as a result the forces balances each other! This means if we suddenly land into space we would
explode like a bubble!
i.e ##1.01 \cdot 10^5 Pa ##!. This force exerted by atmosphere is enough to easily crush us. But we do not get crushed because nearly same amount
of pressure is exerted out by our blood on body, so as a result the forces balances each other! This means if we suddenly land into space we would
explode like a bubble!