Another reason for me to hate the Yankees

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  • Thread starter lisab
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In summary: This stupid line of thinking has seeped into PF! Wow, so teams do better at home? This hasn't been uncommon in the entire history of sports! People are pattern seeking where there isn't any.Let's please keep this on topic.
  • #1
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A Fox News reporter implies that the Obamas' fist bump could have been a "terrorist fist jab":

The piece goes on to examine non-verbal communication, but she never explains why the fist bump has terrorist implications.

A few days later she apologized. She stated (emphasis added),

"I mentioned the various ways the Obamas' fist pump in St Paul had been characterized in the media. I apologize because unfortunately some thought I personally had characterized it inappropriately. I regret that, it was not my intention, and certainly didn't mean in any way to associate the word "terrorist" in any way with Senator Obama and his wife."

Does anyone know which media she was referring to? Which media outlet first characterized the Obamas' fist bump as a terrorist...anything? I did a search but found nothing about it, except a blog or two. It seems the first (non-blog) outlet that mentions it is Fox News. Does that mean a blog or two is enough to merit mention in the MSM?

Oh, and the entire New York Yankees team...? They might be terrorists, 'cause I see them doing these terrorist fist bumps all the time.
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  • #2
Even with their expensive payroll, they're still not going to win the world series this year unless they resort to some form of terrorism. So it could be...
  • #3
russ_watters said:
Even with their expensive payroll, they're still not going to win the world series this year unless they resort to some form of terrorism. So it could be...

:smile: I love it when they lose!

Edit: not that I'm advocating terrorism in any way! I just hate the Yankees, like any good red-blooded American outside of New York!
  • #4
i don't hate yankees, i dislike referees, who have removed the mystery from professional sports, i.e. the home team always wins, essentially by cheating from the refs.

has anyone else noticed that pro basketball has become the new pro wrestling?

the 4 games in the so called championship series have all appeared to be fixed to me, with refs handing the game to the home team every night.

the clueless crowd cheers wildly as if the outcome were in doubt. let me make a guess: at this rate, the home team will win every game and the celtics will win the series 4-3.
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  • #5
mathwonk said:
i don't hate yankees, i dislike referees, who have removed the mystery from professional sports, i.e. the home team always wins, essentially by cheating from the refs.

has anyone else noticed that pro basketball has become the new pro wrestling?

the 4 games in the so called championship series have all appeared to be fixed to me, with refs handing the game to the home team every night.

the clueless crowd cheers wildly as if the outcome were in doubt. let me make a guess: at this rate, the home team will win every game and the celtics will win the series 4-3.

No! This stupid line of thinking has seeped into PF! Wow, so teams do better at home? This hasn't been uncommon in the entire history of sports! People are pattern seeking where there isn't any.
  • #6
Let's please keep this on topic.

Did anyone notice that the "apology" (besides being completely disingenuous) was actually a more in-your-face attempt to deliberately connect Obama & his wife to terrorists? It was worse than the original piece.

Fox Spews again! Who is surprised? They did catch me off-guard the last time though, when they called for Obama to be assassinated:
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  • #7
Here's a modest group of images gathered by Media Matters. "Terrorists", all.
  • #8
Gokul43201 said:
Let's please keep this on topic.

Did anyone notice that the "apology" (besides being completely disingenuous) was actually a more in-your-face attempt to deliberately connect Obama & his wife to terrorists? It was worse than the original piece.

Fox Spews again! Who is surprised? They did catch me off-guard the last time though, when they called for Obama to be assassinated:

Yes, that "apology" was one of those "I regret that you thought I did something untowards." There was a thread recently in GD about the proliferation of these non-apologies.

The "joke" about Obama/Osama both being assainated was so far below contemptible...a new low.
  • #9
And Fox Spews again - this time referring to Michelle Obama as the illegitimate mother of Barack's children:
Well, it's Thursday, and somebody's likely getting fired over at FOX News--or at least one hopes. The network has caused a not-so-small blogosphere dustup for referring to the wife of the newly minted Presidential nominee of the Democratic party in an on-air graphic as...wait for it..."Obama's Baby Mama."

"Baby mama," as Wikipedia helpfully points out, is "a mother who is not married to her child's father. The Oxford English Dictionary defines baby mama as 'the mother of a man's child, who is not his wife or (in most cases) his current or exclusive partner.'"

Video of Fox clip:
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  • #10
Gokul43201 said:
And Fox Spews again - this time referring to Michelle Obama as the illegitimate mother of Barack's children:

Video of Fox clip:

I've seen plenty of people who are otherwise nice and intelligent stick their foot in their mouth while trying to use a 'hep' turn of phrase.
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  • #11
TheStatutoryApe said:
I've seen plenty of people who are otherwise nice and intelligent stick their foot in their mouth while trying to use a 'hep' turn of phrase.
Are any of these people news producers with an audience of several million people? The reason Fox gets away with stuff like this is because they are held to the standards of a well-meaning yet drunk illiterate on an angry rant.
  • #12
Someone is just being uber-sensitive...

'Baby mama' sounds somewhat like 'Obama'. I would expect more of these similar sounding double entendres as the campaign goes forward. We probably won't see anything that rhymes with 'Hussein' if I don't miss my guess, although MSNBC did flash a picture of Osama during a Chris Matthews story about Obama. It is more likely that someone was trying to be clever in the production room rather than referring to Michelle Obama as the illegitimate mother of his children. It went over my head and I suspect it wasn't picked up on by many of Fox's daytime viewers either. It's the kind of thing you have to search on the internet to find the meaning of or know something about hip hop slang to figure out. It's also the name of a movie that's out. I think it is more likely that the movie title had a lot to do with the graphic.

BTW... What is the hip hop slang term for 'wife, mother of my children'? And does it rhyme with Obama?
  • #13
chemisttree said:
'Baby mama' sounds somewhat like 'Obama'.
Someone is just being uber-sensitive...
But no one that was offended by Betray-us was being "uber sensitive"?

Maybe we should ask the folks over at the campaign of On CoCain?
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  • #14
Gokul43201 said:
But of course, no one that was offended by Betray-us was being "uber sensitive"! :rolleyes:

Maybe we should ask the folks over at the campaign of On CoCain?

I don't think that baby moma rises to the level of those two. Baby moma's pretty minor, IMO.
  • #15
chemisttree said:
Someone is just being uber-sensitive...

'Baby mama' sounds somewhat like 'Obama'. I would expect more of these similar sounding double entendres as the campaign goes forward. We probably won't see anything that rhymes with 'Hussein' if I don't miss my guess, although MSNBC did flash a picture of Osama during a Chris Matthews story about Obama. It is more likely that someone was trying to be clever in the production room rather than referring to Michelle Obama as the illegitimate mother of his children. It went over my head and I suspect it wasn't picked up on by many of Fox's daytime viewers either. It's the kind of thing you have to search on the internet to find the meaning of or know something about hip hop slang to figure out. It's also the name of a movie that's out. I think it is more likely that the movie title had a lot to do with the graphic.

BTW... What is the hip hop slang term for 'wife, mother of my children'? And does it rhyme with Obama?

Perhaps they were trying to be clever, but it certainly got my reaction was, whoa, did she just say that?

Maybe it's because I have a teen-ager, or that I work with 20- and 30-somethings, but the term is often used in my circle. It's not exactly derogatory, but I've never heard it used on anyone over the age of 25, or a married woman. It's exclusively used as reference to a very young unmarried woman who has had a child/children out of wedlock.

Certainly, I've never think to use the term on a 44 year old, married, Harvard-educated lawyer, such as Michelle Obama. Also I can't imagine Barbara Bush being called "George H. W. Bush's baby-mama." It comes off as too cute by half.
  • #16
lisab said:
Perhaps they were trying to be clever, but it certainly got my reaction was, whoa, did she just say that?

Nobody SAID anything...
  • #17
chemisttree said:
I don't think that baby moma rises to the level of those two. Baby moma's pretty minor, IMO.
So betray-us is too over the top, but baby mam is just fine? How's Cindy Novocaine?

Would dat be hip, yo?
  • #18
chemisttree said:
Nobody SAID anything...

You're right, it was written on the screen.
  • #19
Fox strikes again, this time, at a pair of Times staff.

NEW YORK -- The Fox News channel gained wide attention Thursday in the blogosphere for airing photos of two New York Times staffers that appear to have been doctored to portray them in an unflattering light.

The photos depict New York Times reporter Jacques Steinberg with yellowed teeth, "his nose and chin widened, and his ears made to protrude further," according to a statement Thursday by Media Matters for America. The other image, of Times television editor Steven Reddicliffe, with similar yellow teeth, as well as "dark circles ... under his eyes, and his hairline has been moved back," according to the Media Matters statement.

The photos appear to have been flattened or extended using Photoshop tools.
  • #20
russ_watters said:
I just like to point out the double standard by which people judge Fox, that's all. If Fox does it, it's because Fox is not a reputable news organization. If someone else does it, it's a surprise because they are a reputable news organization. But that's illogical - if doing it would make Fox disreputable, then doing it also makes this other station disreputable. 2+2=4.

Fox gets a bad rap primarily because their bias is opposite the rest of the media's bias, not necessarily because it is more of a bias.
So this is just bias, then, russ?
  • #21
WarPhalange said:
So this is just bias, then, russ?
The entire media machine is biased toward the administration and is reluctant to investigate and report on illegal and corrupt behavior lest they get attacked by the Rove-built machine as "liberal media". FOX goes a step further and not only acts as a non-critical mouthpiece for the administration, but also plants extreme right-wing unsubstantiated rumors and unattributed "some people say" stories as if they were actual news. They are Limbaugh clones, assuming a pretense of respectability as a "news" channel.
  • #22
WarPhalange said:
So this is just bias, then, russ?
Could you be more specific please...?
  • #23
Fabricating pictures of people who are critical of you and posting them on the air with the assumption that they are representative of the actual people is far beyond bias.

FAQ: Another reason for me to hate the Yankees

1. What is the reason for hating the Yankees?

The reason for hating the Yankees can vary from person to person. Some may dislike their team's success and dominance in the sport of baseball, while others may dislike their high payroll and perceived arrogance.

2. Is there a specific event or moment that caused this hatred?

There is no one specific event or moment that caused this hatred. It can stem from a series of games or interactions with fans, players, or the team as a whole.

3. Are there any other teams that are similarly disliked?

Yes, there are many other teams in sports that are similarly disliked by fans. Some examples include the New England Patriots in football, the Los Angeles Lakers in basketball, and the New England Revolution in soccer.

4. Is the hatred for the Yankees based on personal bias or objective reasons?

This can vary from person to person. Some may have personal bias against the team, while others may have objective reasons such as their team consistently losing to the Yankees.

5. Is this hatred seen among all sports fans or just specific ones?

The hatred for the Yankees is seen among many sports fans, but it may be more prevalent among fans of rival teams or those who have had negative experiences with the team or its fans.

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