Are these torques correct for a simple balancing/fulcrum exp

  • #1
Robert Parsons

Homework Statement

For my physics lab, they had us do a simple static equilibrium experiment where we rested a ruler on a fulcrum (at its center of mass) and then attached varying amounts of weight on either end at different distances from the fulcrum. This screenshot is the data we recorded (F1 is the weight of Mass 1 in Newtons, and the same for F2):


Homework Equations

I believe the torque is supposed to be calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the force by the distance from the fulcrum, correct? And if that's right, then shouldn't the two torques cancel out since the ruler was balanced when the weights were added to it? Any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks!
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  • #2
Robert Parsons said:
I believe the torque is supposed to be calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the force by the distance from the fulcrum, correct?


And if that's right, then shouldn't the two torques cancel out since the ruler was balanced when the weights were added to it?

Correct. My guess is you wrote down a weight or dimension incorrectly or made a calculating error somewhere.
  • #3
Are you sure about the 5.2N? That's a 53g mass. I'll bet it was 50g.
  • #4
I think you meant 530g and 500g but good call.
  • #5
CWatters said:
I think you meant 530g and 500g but good call.
Thanks, well spotted.