Outrage Over FOX Cancelling "Arrested Development

  • Thread starter G01
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In summary, FOX cancelled the show "The War at Home" despite it being nominated for an Emmy. Some viewers are mad because the show gets good ratings in between two of the greatest shows ever aired, The Simpsons and Family Guy. Some people are also mad because the show is a crappy as hell show.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Gold Member
I still can't believe FOX is cancelling this show. It won an emmy!
It is one of the best shows on TV. I don't know who I'm more mad at FOX, or the people that'd rather tune into Trading Spouses and crap like that.

I'm definitely mad a fox for not leaving it in a single TV Spot they should have left it inbetween the Simpsons and Family Guy. The War at Home is there now and that's a horrible show. It gets good ratings because, guess what its inbetween The Simpsons and Family Guy! Sorry for the rant. What do you guys think?
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  • #2
There canceling it again!?!
  • #3
I got seasons 1 and 2 on dvd for xmas, I love it!
  • #4
How is it that I always miss all the good shows? :frown:
  • #5
Why is it that these idiots keep a crappy as hell show on like the war at home while constantly canceling hte greatest shows ever created such as Family guy and Arrested development.
  • #6
The War at Home gets good ratings that's why their keeping it. Not because its a good show but because its on between two of the greatest shows ever made, The Simpsons and Family Guy. Seriosly those two shows and Arrested are the ONLY things keeping me watching FOX.
  • #7
Memories of Firefly. :(
  • #8
Pengwuino said:
Why is it that these idiots keep a crappy as hell show on like the war at home while constantly canceling hte greatest shows ever created such as Family guy and Arrested development.
I think that Wasteofo2's words from the female president thread are perfect here...
"Qualifications really don't matter to voters."
Just because there are plenty of people out there that recognize the quality in any particular thing and award it something doesn't mean that the majority of people really care.
  • #9
G01 said:
I still can't believe FOX is cancelling this show. It won an emmy!
It is one of the best shows on TV. I don't know who I'm more mad at FOX, or the people that'd rather tune into Trading Spouses and crap like that.
I'm definitely mad a fox for not leaving it in a single TV Spot they should have left it inbetween the Simpsons and Family Guy. The War at Home is there now and that's a horrible show. It gets good ratings because, guess what its inbetween The Simpsons and Family Guy! Sorry for the rant. What do you guys think?

Haven't you figured out that the people at fox are morons??

Let's consider other shows they've trashed: Futurama and Firefly.

'Nuff said. Utter morons.

I have this borrowed/plagiarized theory that media executives are similar to sociopaths on a basic neurological level. See, sociopaths cannot feel empathy for others generally, they are physically incapable of appreciating or caring about the damage their actions can do to others. Likewise, media executives are physiologically incapable of telling crap from what is not crap. All normal humans can do it. We know not to eat out of toilet after doing our business. Media executives are incapable of making that distinction.
  • #10
franznietzsche said:
Likewise, media executives are physiologically incapable of telling crap from what is not crap. All normal humans can do it. We know not to eat out of toilet after doing our business. Media executives are incapable of making that distinction.

  • #11
Fox execs. They're just chicken!

Coh cacoh cacoh cacoh!

Chaw chee-chaw! chaw cheechaw!

A-coodle-doodle-doo! A-coodle-doodle-doo!

"Has anyone of you ever seen a chicken?"
  • #12
Pengwuino said:
Why is it that these idiots keep a crappy as hell show on like the war at home while constantly canceling hte greatest shows ever created such as Family guy and Arrested development.
Thank god I'm not the only person who hates The War at home. Oh my god he said black instead of ______, oooh controversy!
Arrested Development actually played on crazy situations and elaborate stories that all seem to intertwine. Was it written or directed by the people who made Seinfeld? It seems similar in that way.
  • #13
ShawnD said:
Thank god I'm not the only person who hates The War at home. Oh my god he said black instead of ______, oooh controversy!
Arrested Development actually played on crazy situations and elaborate stories that all seem to intertwine. Was it written or directed by the people who made Seinfeld? It seems similar in that way.
It has no connection to Seinfeld that I know of. It is entirely the brain child of a guy named Mitch Hurwitz, and some other writers who can match his style of writing and directing.

The rumor is that Showtime might pick it up; the sooner the better, but it means I'll have to get cable installed.
  • #14
Showtime? I don't want to pay $15 a month to see one damn show!
  • #15
You mean people still watch FOX? I don't even know what Arrested Development is about. I can't recall the last time I watched anything on FOX.
  • #16
NOOOOOO They can't do that! :(

I'm just glad that NBC hasn't thrown Scrubs away...
  • #17
Chi Meson said:
The rumor is that Showtime might pick it up; the sooner the better, but it means I'll have to get cable installed.
Not to derail the thread, but is cable a rare thing to have in the US? In Canada, basic cable is called "peasant vision". Nobody uses antenna. You either have cable/satelite or you don't watch TV at all.
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  • #18
ShawnD, I know maybe two people who do not have satellite, but they have cable... People who own a house usually do have cable.
  • #19
ShawnD said:
Not to derail the thread, but is cable a rare thing to have in the US? In Canada, basic cable is called "peasant vision". Nobody uses antenna. You either have cable/satelite or you don't watch TV at all.

Theres normally 1 or 2 people that you know who don't have cable and when you tell someone they don't have cable or they tell someone they don't have cable, it's like telling someone you have cancer for the first time. It's like NO CABLE?! How do you live?

And just to think... 4 or 5 years ago you were the awe of the neighborhood if you had cable. If you had satellite however 4 years ago, wooo buddy, you must be some sort of mad scientist to have SATELLITE TV. As if the transmission was being brought through satellites from some alien world transmitting secret broadcasts from the CIA.
  • #20
These are the same wise men who canceled Family Guy and now it is back on! THey canceled Lonegunmen, drove the X-Files into the ground, are currently dragging the Simpsons through the mud, canceled Futurama (not that great but is better than the new Simpsons), and now they are cancelling Arrested Development?!
I haven't watched the show since the first season, but this disapoints me. Not only did they move it to a time slot when I can't view it (work), they are throwing it away. I hope it become a sucsess on another network.

I can't watch any other network comedy because they are all retarded: According to Jim, 2 and a half men, Scrubs. Then again I only watch about an hour of tv a day, so I shouldn't complaining.
  • #21
ShawnD said:
Not to derail the thread, but is cable a rare thing to have in the US? In Canada, basic cable is called "peasant vision". Nobody uses antenna. You either have cable/satelite or you don't watch TV at all.
I didn't have cable until this September. Where I live now, I can't get any antenna reception, otherwise I still wouldn't have cable. I see no point in paying for a bunch of channels that show the same reruns of shows I watched 10 years ago, or replay the same old movie 30 times a month. It's a lot cheaper to just rent the videos of what I want to watch. I can't understand why people actually are willing to pay such exhorbitant amounts for so many channels of nothing. It's like the old Bruce Springsteen song, "57 Channels and Nothing On," but now it's more like 500 channels and nothing on. It takes you two hours to flip through all the channels just to find out there was nothing to watch for the past 2 hours, or that by the time you flipped to the channel that had something, you missed it. I calculated once that to pay for cable with just one premium channel (the ones that show movies and not just old re-runs of sitcoms nobody wanted to watch the first time let alone as reruns), I could go to Blockbuster (probably the most expensive place to rent movies) and rent a new release movie every 2 days (way more than I would have time to watch, and way more than actually get released) and still come out ahead, plus I can watch what I want to watch, not whatever the cable channels chose to play.
  • #22
Moonbear! You don't have cable?

What you end up doing is you find like 5 or 6 channels that you really like and end up flipping back and forth between them. I have small ranges, channels 24-31, 52-63, and 271-274; those ranges are wherea ll the good stuff is for me :P
  • #23
Plastic Photon said:
These are the same wise men who canceled Family Guy and now it is back on! THey canceled Lonegunmen, drove the X-Files into the ground, are currently dragging the Simpsons through the mud, canceled Futurama (not that great but is better than the new Simpsons), and now they are cancelling Arrested Development?!
Futurama was okay. I never liked Family Guy. Never heard of Lonegunmen. X-files had a few good seasons, but I think the writers ran out of new ideas and it got really lame. Simpsons was okay too, but it gets boring after a while too.

I can't watch any other network comedy because they are all retarded: According to Jim, 2 and a half men, Scrubs. Then again I only watch about an hour of tv a day, so I shouldn't complaining.
I like Two and a Half Men...or did...haven't watched it in a while. I've never understood the popularity of Scrubs, it's awful! I don't watch a lot of TV either, but mainly that's because there's nothing on worth watching.
  • #24
Pengwuino said:
What you end up doing is you find like 5 or 6 channels that you really like and end up flipping back and forth between them.
Very true. I have cheap cable, about 70 channels, maybe 10 of which are worth watching. Discovery used to be one of those channels, but they've turned into the 24/7 Mythbusters network. TLC was a good channel too until it was entirely made of crap like American Chopers or American Hotrod or Monster Garage. Shows nobody watches...

I'm amazed that network people in charge of scheduling don't figure out that people don't want repetition. Remember when Regis had a show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? That show was awesome. It was on once a week, and I watched it every time it was on. Then they changed it to everyday, and I stopped watching. Apparently other people stopped as well since it didn't last very long after they did that.
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  • #25
Pengwuino said:
Moonbear! You don't have cable?
What you end up doing is you find like 5 or 6 channels that you really like and end up flipping back and forth between them. I have small ranges, channels 24-31, 52-63, and 271-274; those ranges are wherea ll the good stuff is for me :P
I didn't. I do now, but only because I get NO channels on antenna without a lot of interference and snow (I live in the mountains, reception is iffy for everything...cell phones, TV, radio...depends on which side of the mountain you're on or how close to the top). I've only had cable since September, and even in that time, the few channels I watched (Animal Planet, HGTV, History Channel) don't have anything I haven't seen already. Do they ever put new shows on? It seems to be the same 5 programs on a continuous loop all month. Shhh...I don't actually pay for those channels though, so I shouldn't complain. I only wanted the network cable that got me about 22 channels (that's the minimum offered...I just wanted to get the news), but because I also had to get cable internet (DSL wasn't available here...must be problems with the phone lines around here, because dial-up was too painfully slow too...I never had a problem with dial-up while in Cincinnati, but here, everything would just stall) they had to take some of the filters off the cable line to get the internet signal strong enough, which gave me the full "basic" package...72 channels. It's about 70 channels too many. At first, I didn't realize I was going to keep all those channels, I half expected it was some marketing ploy to give me those channels free at first and then take them away to see if I'd be willing to pay extra for them...but, if they catch on and figure out a way to shut them off while I still keep the internet access, there's no way I'd shell out the difference to keep it...if anything, having it has just reminded me why I never got cable before. Most of the time, I just end up watching NBC anyway.
  • #26
ShawnD said:
Very true. I have cheap cable, about 70 channels, maybe 10 of which are worth watching. Discovery used to be one of those channels, but they've turned into the 24/7 Mythbusters network.

You mean you don't worship and idolize the Mythbusters. Blasphemy!

ShawnD said:
I'm amazed that network people in charge of scheduling don't figure out that people don't want repetition. Remember when Regis had a show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? That show was awesome. It was on once a week, and I watched it every time it was on. Then they changed it to everyday, and I stopped watching. Apparently other people stopped as well since it didn't last very long after they did that.

For me, I stopped watching when Regis came on and it was the same time that they started putting it on every night on a different channel for us. Regis ruled, this new woman sucks. Thus, all women suck.
  • #27
Moonbear said:
Futurama was okay. I never liked Family Guy. Never heard of Lonegunmen. X-files had a few good seasons, but I think the writers ran out of new ideas and it got really lame. Simpsons was okay too, but it gets boring after a while too.
I like Two and a Half Men...or did...haven't watched it in a while. I've never understood the popularity of Scrubs, it's awful! I don't watch a lot of TV either, but mainly that's because there's nothing on worth watching.
We have very different opinions. I hate Futurama because the jokes seem to be bland and based on the fact that it's the future; forget character or situation. That one girl goes to buy a car and it's called the Beta Romeo. Oh I get it, it's funny because the real car is called Alpha Romeo and beta comes after alpha in the alphabet. When Fry listened to rock music, Lila refers to it as classical music, because of Fry is from the past which makes it classical.
  • #28
ShawnD said:
We have very different opinions. I hate Futurama because the jokes seem to be bland and based on the fact that it's the future; forget character or situation. That one girl goes to buy a car and it's called the Beta Romeo. Oh I get it, it's funny because the real car is called Alpha Romeo and beta comes after alpha in the alphabet. When Fry listened to rock music, Lila refers to it as classical music, because of Fry is from the past which makes it classical.
Yeah, I laugh at dumb jokes, which is why I liked it...some. I don't miss it though. It wasn't something I cared if I missed, or went out of my way to watch, but would watch it if I bumped into it while the TV was on. I totally understand if someone doesn't like it because of the dumb jokes...it's just my quirky sense of humor.
  • #29
The thing that I don't like is that I watch maybe 6 channels and the rest are crap... I watch 2 or 3 about twice or thrice a month, and the rest once every few months, yet to watch just those you have to pay for hundreds of useless channels...
  • #30
Okay, I admit it.

I. Have. No. Cable.

No satellite either, just a DVD and VCR, and already I have no time for anything else.

Arrested Development is (seriously) the only show I watch, and I have to sneak into my neighbor's basement to see it (well, they let me have the key).

THere might be other things worth watching, but I don't want to know because Ir eally don't have the time.
  • #31
V... C... R?

Does it have vacuum tubes?

:-p :-p
  • #32
I still can't believe FOX is cancelling this show. It won an emmy!
Correction: it won six Emmys (in two seasons). Anyway, AD is one of the greatest shows in the history of television, and is definitely up there with Seinfeld as the greatest comedy. And yes, though its days on Fox are numbered, rumor has it that both Showtime and ABC are vying for the show.

For all of you who don't watch it, let me explain why AD is so great. At a very shallow level, the show is extremely funny. The comedic timing is great, the ensemble cast is perfect, and the jokes are hilarious. However, the show also has an incredible amount of depth to it, forcing several viewings of an episode to get it all. Allusions and foreshadowing happen all over the place, in the volume usually associated with a Shakespearean play. The main way is through the extensive use of callbacks. Jokes, aspects of the Bluths' lives, and many little details are often recycled in some way, but almost always with a twist to them. Some of these go back just a few episodes, some call back all the way to the first couple episodes. They range from the subtle (such as the fact that family's maid often wears unseasonal sweaters, or that one character reuses the same banner for multiple occasions, altering it only as much is necessary), to the not-so-subtle (such as the fact that one character thinks that Portugal is in South America, or the fact that another character never gets the context of the word "blue" correct, confusing the depressed meaning with the color), to the overt (such as the fact that all of the Bluths seem to have their own impression of what a chicken sounds like, and none of them sounds remotely like a chicken, or the fact that one character unknowingly makes homosexual double entendres on a regular basis).

Unfortunately, these callbacks force the viewer to see the show from the beginning to fully appreciate everything, making it harder for people who might want to start watching it at a later date. I suspect that this is part of the reason for its low ratings (combined with Fox's marketing strategy for the show: show a promo for it ten minutes before it airs).
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  • #33
Manchot said:
For all of you who don't watch it, let me explain why AD is so great. At a very shallow level, the show is extremely funny. The comedic timing is great, the ensemble cast is perfect, and the jokes are hilarious. However, the show also has an incredible amount of depth to it, forcing several viewings of an episode to get it all. Allusions and foreshadowing happen all over the place, in the volume usually associated with a Shakespearean play. The main way is through the extensive use of callbacks. Jokes, aspects of the Bluths' lives, and many little details are often recycled in some way, but almost always with a twist to them. Some of these go back just a few episodes, some call back all the way to the first couple episodes. They range from the subtle (such as the fact that family's maid often wears unseasonal sweaters, or that one character reuses the same banner for multiple occasions, altering it only as much is necessary), to the not-so-subtle (such as the fact that one character thinks that Portugal is in Mexico, or the fact that another character never gets the context of the word "blue" correct, confusing the depressed meaning with the color), to the overt (such as the fact that all of the Bluths seem to have their own impression of what a chicken sounds like, and none of them sounds remotely like a chicken, or the fact that one character unknowingly makes homosexual double entendres on a regular basis).

Unfortunately, these callbacks force the viewer to see the show from the beginning to fully appreciate everything, making it harder for people who might want to start watching it at a later date. I suspect that this is part of the reason for its low ratings (combined with Fox's marketing strategy for the show: show a promo for it ten minutes before it airs).

Very Well Put.

FAQ: Outrage Over FOX Cancelling "Arrested Development

1. Why was "Arrested Development" cancelled by FOX?

There were a few factors that contributed to the cancellation of "Arrested Development" by FOX. One of the main reasons was low ratings, as the show struggled to find a large audience. Additionally, the show's complex and often subtle humor may have been too niche for a mainstream network like FOX.

2. Was there any backlash or outrage over the cancellation?

Yes, there was a significant amount of backlash and outrage from fans and critics over the cancellation of "Arrested Development". Many felt that the show was ahead of its time and deserved a longer run. There were also campaigns and petitions to save the show, but unfortunately, they were unsuccessful.

3. Did the show receive any recognition or awards during its run on FOX?

Yes, despite its short run, "Arrested Development" received critical acclaim and several awards, including six Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe for Best Television Series - Musical or Comedy. The show also has a dedicated fan base and has gained a cult following since its cancellation.

4. Are there any plans to revive "Arrested Development" after its cancellation?

Yes, after its cancellation on FOX, "Arrested Development" was picked up by Netflix for a fourth season in 2013. The show has since released a fifth season and a sixth season is currently in the works. While the original run on FOX may have been short-lived, the show has found a new home and continues to have a loyal fan base.

5. How has the cancellation of "Arrested Development" affected the careers of its cast and crew?

Despite the show's cancellation, many of the cast and crew have gone on to have successful careers in the entertainment industry. Actors like Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Michael Cera have continued to have successful acting careers, while creator Mitchell Hurwitz has gone on to produce and write for other popular shows. The cancellation of "Arrested Development" may have been disappointing, but it did not hinder the talents of those involved.

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