Vortexes & Their Interaction: Answer Needed

  • Thread starter gonegahgah
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In summary, two vortexes with their sucking mouths pointed at each other meet where they are spinning mirror fashion or they are spinning counter-fashion. The results of the experiment are unknown, but it is possible that it would create a similar complementary or canceling effect.
  • #1
Just a question I have in my mind if someone would be kind to answer.

What happens if you have two vortexes with their sucking mouths pointing at each other and the two vortexes meet where a) they are spinning mirror fashion b) they are spinning counter-fashion?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Pls, describe your proposed experiment with more detail... Imagine what kind of configuration would give the two vortices in the positions you want.
  • #3
Okay. Umm...

Two turbines in the water facing each other spinning with a sucking motion towards each other. In experiment A they spin mirror fashion with blades tilted oppositely so that they both still suck. In experiment B they spin counter directional but with blades likewise tilted so that they both still suck. Throw in a little dribble of food colouring to allow the swirls to be visible.

Experiment A creates mirror vortexes and experiment B creates vortexes that are spinning the opposite direction to each other. Yet both are still sucking water (and therefore anything in the water) towards themselves.

Any idea what the results would be on the water in between and on the pressure between the turbines towards (or skew with) to each other?

Similar thing could be done with fans I guess? You would have to buy two identical fans and another fan that is opposite to them left-to-right. I guess the fans would blow instead of suck unless you stuck them back to back.
  • #4
Hm... so, they're initially separated. OK, then, Venturi effect might make them feel attracted in the mirror-image case. Then, they would make a single vortex tube, I guess... In the other case, they would feel no attraction, and if you force them into contact, they will tend to cancel out...
  • #5
Cool thanks.

I wonder then if you spun two large gravitational bodies fast (gravity being a sucker of course) and then (taking into account the frame dragging effect of spinning gravitational bodies in GR) if you pointed the poles at each other, whether this would produce a similar complementary or canceling effect too when you have complementing or opposing frame dragging occurring?

  • #6
So, kind of, two black holes with accretion disks facing each other... Dunno... Make another post with it :)
  • #7
Yeah we'd need something big wouldn't we to see much?

Time for sleep. I'll look again tomorrow hopefully.

FAQ: Vortexes & Their Interaction: Answer Needed

What are vortexes and how do they form?

Vortexes are areas of swirling fluid or air, typically in a circular motion. They can form naturally through atmospheric conditions or be created artificially, such as in a laboratory setting.

What types of vortexes exist in nature?

There are several types of vortexes found in nature, including dust devils, tornadoes, hurricanes, whirlpools, and even the Earth's magnetic field. Each type has its own unique characteristics and formation process.

How do vortexes interact with their surroundings?

Vortexes can have a significant impact on their surroundings, often causing turbulence and altering the flow of fluids or air. They can also interact with other vortexes, merging or canceling each other out depending on their direction and strength.

What role do vortexes play in scientific research?

Vortexes are studied extensively in various scientific fields, including fluid dynamics, meteorology, and astrophysics. They provide insights into the behavior of gases and liquids, as well as the effects of turbulence and chaotic systems.

Can vortexes be harnessed for practical applications?

Yes, vortexes have been utilized in various applications, such as generating electricity in wind turbines, mixing fluids in industrial processes, and improving aerodynamic designs in aircraft and vehicles. However, much research is still needed to fully understand and harness the power of vortexes.

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