BIBO Stable if and only if impulse response is summable

In summary, if a linear time invariant system is BIBO stable, then its impulse response is summable. This is easily proven if the system is FIR, and does not depend on the continuity of the input signal.
  • #1
It is theorem of any course on signals that a linear time invariant system, whether in discrete or continuous time, is BIBO stable if and only if its impulse response is summable. The fact that summability implies BIBO stability is easy to prove. In fact, it's on the wikipedia page of BIBO stability:

I've been trying to prove the converse, that is, if a system is BIBO stable, it is summable. I was able to prove it if the system is FIR:
Let H be an FIR LTI system that is BIBO stable. Then for any input signal x(t) bounded by M, i.e. |(x(t)| < M for all t, the response y(t) is bounded, i.e. |y(t)|<M'.

If the input is the impulse (which is clearly bounded), then output is the impulse response, h(t), which must also be bounded since we assumed BIBO stable.

So |h(t)| < M' for some M'. Since the system is FIR, h(t) has finite duration, so ## \int^{\infty}_{-\infty} |h(t)| dt ## exists. Hence the system is summable.

But is this true even if the system isn't FIR? If so, how might I prove this?


  • #3
Bipolarity said:
It is theorem of any course on signals that a linear time invariant system, whether in discrete or continuous time, is BIBO stable if and only if its impulse response is summable. The fact that summability implies BIBO stability is easy to prove. In fact, it's on the wikipedia page of BIBO stability:

I've been trying to prove the converse, that is, if a system is BIBO stable, it is summable. I was able to prove it if the system is FIR:
Let H be an FIR LTI system that is BIBO stable. Then for any input signal x(t) bounded by M, i.e. |(x(t)| < M for all t, the response y(t) is bounded, i.e. |y(t)|<M'.
The converse is also true.
Suppose a BIBO-stable LTI system. For a discrete-time case this means:

(a) The system responses with output y[n] to the input x[n]
(b) 0<|x[n]|≤M< , 0<|y[n]|≤M'<∞ for every n

From definition and discrete-time signals theory we have:

Without loss of generality (since |x[n]|) we can put x[-k]=-sign(h[k]) and obtain:

IOW, h[k] is absolutely summable which concludes the proof.
Showing same thing for continuous systems I leave for mathematical exercise.
  • #4
zoki85 said:
... we can put x[-k]=-sign(h[k]) and obtain:
Noticed typo here. Of course, it should be x[-k] = M⋅sign(h[k]).
Anyway, the excersise of proving the converse is of no importance to engineers. We are primarily interested in the question if system is stable or not .

FAQ: BIBO Stable if and only if impulse response is summable

What is BIBO stability?

BIBO stability, or bounded-input bounded-output stability, refers to the ability of a system to produce a bounded output when given a bounded input. In other words, the output of the system remains within a finite range for any given input.

What does it mean for an impulse response to be summable?

An impulse response is summable if the sum of its absolute values converges to a finite value. This means that the response of the system to an impulse input does not have infinite energy, which is a necessary condition for BIBO stability.

Why is BIBO stability important?

BIBO stability is important because it ensures that a system will produce a predictable and stable output for any given input. This is crucial in various fields, such as engineering and control systems, where a system's behavior needs to be well-understood and controlled.

How do you determine if a system is BIBO stable?

A system is BIBO stable if its impulse response is summable. This can be determined by calculating the sum of the absolute values of the impulse response and checking if it converges to a finite value. If it does, the system is BIBO stable.

What are some examples of BIBO stable systems?

Examples of BIBO stable systems include electrical circuits, mechanical systems, and digital signal processing systems. These systems are designed to have a bounded output for a bounded input and are commonly used in various applications, such as electronics and communication systems.

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