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Homework Statement
Hello everyone, I have recently come under some stress from not being able to get these answers correct. I need to calculate these values:
- Zeq
- IT
- XL2
- XL1
- VR1
- VR2
- VL1
- VL2
And these values:
- Zeq
- IT
- XL2
- XL1
- IR1
- IR2
- IL1
- IL2
Homework Equations
I have been using these equations, but I am told that they are incorrect. My professor will not indicate what the correct equations are and I cannot find them in my textbook or online. Any help would be appreciated.
Zeq = sqrt(RT^2+XL^2) where XL is both values of XL1 and XL2 added together.
IT = Vs/ZT This is where I get confused, is ZT the same as Zeq?
XL2 = (2*pi*Frequency*L2)
XL1 = (2*pi*Frequency*L1)
VR1 = (R1/RT)*Vs
VR2 = (R2/RT)*Vs
VL1 = (L1/LT)*Vs Where LT is L1 and L2 added together.
VL2= (L2/LT)*Vs
IR1= I could not find the equation for this value.
IR2 = I could not find the equation for this value.
IL1 = Vs/L1
IL2 = Vs/L2
The Attempt at a Solution
Here are the values that I came up with for the series circuit:
Phase = -tan((942.48+502.65)/100) = 86.04 degrees.
a. Zeq = 15Vrms / .03333A = 450ohms
b, It = 15Vrms/450ohms = 33.33mA∠-86.04 degrees
c. XL1 = (2*pi*1000Hz*.150H) = 942.48ohms
d. XL2 = (2*pi*1000Hz*.08) = 502.65ohms
e. VR1 = 150ohms/450ohms * 15Vrms = 5Vrms ∠0 degrees
f. VR2 = 300ohms/450ohms * 15Vrms = 10Vrms ∠0 degrees
g. VL1 = .08H/.23H * 15Vrms = 5.22Vrms ∠-90 degrees
h. VL2 = .150/.23H * 15Vrms = 9.78Vrms ∠-90 degrees And here are the values I came up with for the parallel circuit: a. Zeq = 15Vrms / .03333 = 450ohms
b. IT = 33.33mA ∠-86.04 degrees
c. XL2 = (2*pi*1000Hz*.150H) = 942.48ohms
d. XL1 = (2*pi*1000Hz*.08H) = 502.65ohms
e. VR1 = 150ohms/450ohms * 15Vrms = 5Vrms ∠0 degrees
f. VR2 = 300ohms/450ohms * 15Vrms = 10Vrms ∠0 degrees
g. IL1 = 15Vrms/.08H = 187.5A.
h. IL2 = 15Vrms/.150H = 100A
Any help at all would be very, very much appreciated. I really cannot find the equations for the life of me, and it is frustrating.