Can isopropyl alcohol Blood clots soluble ?

In summary, proper wound care is essential for chronic wounds. This includes measures such as debridement, irrigation, and wound cleaning. While there are many topical cleaning agents available, the majority have limited or no proven efficacy in enhancing wound healing and may even be harmful. One potentially effective and nontoxic option is polyhexanide/betaine solution, but more research is needed.
  • #1
I have old cuts I put rubbing isopropyl alcohol on it, it cleaned slowly and vanish the blood clots, I would likes to know can isopropyl alcohol Blood clots soluble?
Biology news on
  • #2
@Lakkana Can you please rephrase the question in a more understandable way ?
  • #3
I am afraid it is a machine translation and it won't be better. Moreover, our answers - after going the same path to the OP - won't be much better.
  • #4
Lakkana said:
I have old cuts I put rubbing isopropyl alcohol on it, it cleaned slowly and vanish the blood clots, I would likes to know can isopropyl alcohol Blood clots soluble?
Sounds painful. Here is a paper on wound care from NCBI -- there are better solutions for dissolving external blood clots and doing proper wound care:

Wound cleaning and wound healing: a concise review

NCBI said:


Chronic wounds present a significant societal burden in their cost of care, and they reduce patient quality of life. Key components of wound care include such measures as debridement, irrigation, and wound cleaning. Appropriate care removes necrotic tissue and reduces wound bioburden to enhance wound healing. Physical cleaning with debridement and irrigation is of documented efficacy. Wounds may be washed with water, saline, or Ringer's solution or cleaned with active ingredients, such as hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, acetic acid, alcohol, ionized silver preparations, chlorhexidine, polyhexanide/betaine solution, or povidone-iodine--the majority of which are locally toxic and of limited or no proven efficacy in enhancing wound healing. Although the consensus opinion is that these topical cleaning agents should not be routinely used, recent clinical evidence suggests that polyhexanide/betaine may be nontoxic and effective in enhancing wound healing. Further well-designed studies are needed.

FAQ: Can isopropyl alcohol Blood clots soluble ?

Can isopropyl alcohol dissolve blood clots?

No, isopropyl alcohol cannot dissolve blood clots. It is not a strong enough solvent to break down the proteins and fibrin that make up blood clots.

Is isopropyl alcohol used to prevent blood clots?

No, isopropyl alcohol is not used for preventing blood clots. It is primarily used as an antiseptic and disinfectant for cleaning wounds and surfaces.

Can isopropyl alcohol be used to treat existing blood clots?

No, isopropyl alcohol is not a treatment for blood clots. It is important to seek medical attention for proper treatment of blood clots.

Is it safe to use isopropyl alcohol on open wounds with blood clots?

No, it is not safe to use isopropyl alcohol on open wounds with blood clots. This can cause further irritation and damage to the wound. It is best to seek medical attention for proper wound care.

Can isopropyl alcohol be used to thin out blood clots?

No, isopropyl alcohol does not have any effect on the thickness or viscosity of blood clots. It is not a suitable substance for thinning out blood clots.
