Can Organisms be Genetically Engineered to Not Build Drug Tolerance?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of tolerance to drugs and whether it is a technique evolved by humans or a result of chemical laws. The possibility of genetically engineering an organism without tolerance is also brought up. The conversation also mentions the ideas of Paracelsus and holistic medicine. However, the conversation is closed as it does not pertain to mainstream known science.
  • #1
Hi everyone. In a thought experiment that I like to frequent, an important question arises. Is tolerance (the body's natural resistance to the effects of drugs) a technique that we've evolved to not grow too content with our current situation? Or, do the laws of chemistry determine that tolerance must exist?

Is it or is it not possible to potentially genetically engineer an organism that does not build tolerance to drugs?
Biology news on
  • #2
You might want to look up Paracelsus, "The dose is the poison," or words to that effect. Holistic medicine. Cumulative poisons/effects.
  • #3
GladScientist said:
Is it or is it not possible to potentially genetically engineer an organism that does not build tolerance to drugs?
Your questions cannot be answered. We don't allow "thought experiments" here, we stick to mainstream known science. If you have a specific question about how the body builds up tolerance, that would be allowable. This thread is closed.

FAQ: Can Organisms be Genetically Engineered to Not Build Drug Tolerance?

What is tolerance?

Tolerance is the ability to accept differences and diversity without judgment or prejudice. It involves respecting and valuing the opinions, beliefs, and behaviors of others, even if they are different from our own.

Why is tolerance important?

Tolerance is important because it promotes peace, harmony, and understanding among individuals and communities. It allows for a more inclusive and diverse society, where everyone's rights and beliefs are respected.

How can we develop tolerance?

Tolerance can be developed through education, exposure to different cultures and beliefs, and open-mindedness. It also requires empathy, self-reflection, and a willingness to learn from others.

What are the benefits of tolerance?

Tolerance has many benefits, including fostering positive relationships, reducing conflicts and violence, and promoting a more accepting and inclusive society. It also allows for the exchange of ideas and perspectives, leading to personal and societal growth.

Can tolerance be taught?

Yes, tolerance can be taught and learned. Children can be taught tolerance through education and by setting a good example. Adults can also work on developing their tolerance through self-awareness and actively practicing tolerance in their daily interactions.
